Tags: wolverdude/GenSON
Modernization * add support for Python versions up through 3.12 * remove support for old Python versions older than 3.7 since test dependencies no longer support them * remove Python 2.7 support * remove tests & test commands only relevant to Python 2.7 * remove backwards-compatibility from code * enable running as a module (``python -m genson``) * modernize package configuration (issue #68) * Use a valid ``schema_uri`` in tests (issue #69)
* expose `SchemaStrategy.__eq__()` for extension * add support for Python 3.8 * update Trove classifiers * Bugfix: `SchemaBuilder.__eq__()` wasn't matching the `$schema` keyword correctly * Bugfix: only activate empty `required` option when `required` is actualy empty
* split Schema class into 3 separate classes: 1. SchemaNode to manage the tree structure 2. SchemaGenerator for the schema generation logic 3. SchemaBuilder to manage the public API * rename to_dict() => to_schema() * include backwards compatibility layer * deprecate merge_arrays option * add support for patternProperties * include ``"$schema"`` keyword * accept schemas without ``"type"`` keyword * use ``"anyOf"`` keyword to help combine schemas * add ``SchemaGenerationError`` for better error handling * empty ``"properties"`` and ``"items"`` are not included in generated schemas * ``genson`` executable * new ``--schema-uri`` option * auto-detect object boundaries by default