It's small, simple, easy to use plugin which gives you ability to move html elements, restrict tham by parent element size, get position in percent...
Plugin is written in native javascript. It means that no library such as jquery is required for use it.
By default the plugin looks for '.movable' class.
new Movable();
Additional options
new Movable({
movableSelector: '.movable', // Default selector
restrict: '.container', // Default is body
x: true, // True by defautl
y: true, // True by default
new Movable({
onMouseDown: function(e, elem, percent) {
elem.innerText = `${Math.floor(percent.x)}%`
onMouseUp: function(e, elem) {
elem.innerText = 'Mouse up';
onDrag: function(e, elem, percent) {
elem.innerText = `${Math.floor(percent.x)}%`