Jetson Nano Inference experiments
blindly following AI on the Jetson Nano
- This is very likely cloned from Dusty file ...
sudo apt-get install git cmake libpython3-dev python3-numpy
cd ~/Downloads
git clone --recursive
cd jetson-inference
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
When presented with selection dialog boxes,
Select ALL pre-trained Image Recognition models (2.2GB)
Select ALL detection models (395MB)
Take SEMANTIC Segmentation 24.25,27,29,31,33 (not legacy models)
Take ALL Image-Processing -ALL models
Also -- select PyTorch 3.X version for installation
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
sudo apt-get install v4l-utils
- test with loading Python3 and 'import torch' 'import torchvision' and they should load without error
- quit()
create quick test program with
n_net = jetson_inference.detectNet('ssd-mobilenet-v2', threshold=0.5)
n_net = jetson_inference.imageNet('googlenet')