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This Nova tool lets you run artisan and bash commands directly from nova.
This is an extended version of the original package Nova Command Runner by guratr
php: >=8.0
laravel/nova: ^4.0
- β¨οΈ Run predefined artisan and shell commands
- π Run custom artisan and shell commands
- π Use variables while running commands
- πββοΈ Prompt the user to specify optional flags while running commands
- π Use predefined values for variables using a select box or prompt the user to enter a value for the variable.
- π Keep track of command run history
- πΎ No database changes required. Everything is managed from a single config file.
- π Queue long running commands
- β Support command progressbar
- π± Responsive
- πΆ Dark mode
You can install the nova tool in to a Laravel app that uses Nova via composer:
composer require stepanenko3/nova-command-runner
Next up, you must register the tool with Nova. This is typically done in the tools
method of the NovaServiceProvider
// in app/Providers/NovaServiceProvder.php
// ...
public function tools()
return [
// ...
new \Workup\Nova\CommandRunner\CommandRunnerTool,
Publish the config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Workup\Nova\CommandRunner\ToolServiceProvider"
Add your commands to config/nova-command-runner.php
Click on the "Command Runner"
menu item in your Nova app to see the tool.
All the configuration is managed from a single configuration file located in config/nova-command-runner.php
All the commands which needs to be easily accessible should be defined in the commands
in the configuration file.
- run : command to run (E.g. route:cache)
- type : button class (primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, link)
- group: Group name (optional)
- variables : Array of variables used in the command(optional)
- command_type : Type of the command.(artisan or bash. Default artisan)
- flags : Array of optional flags for the command(optional)
- output_size: crops output of the given command to the specified number of lines
- timeout: updates the timeout limit for the given queued command
'commands' => [
// Basic command
'Clear Cache' => [
'run' => 'cache:clear',
'type' => 'danger',
'group' => 'Cache',
// Bash command
'Disk Usage' => [
'run' => 'df -h',
'type' => 'danger',
'group' => 'Statistics',
'command_type' => 'bash'
// Command with variable
'Clear Cache' => [
'run' => 'cache:forget {cache key}',
'type' => 'danger',
'group' => 'Cache'
// Command with advanced variable customization
'Clear Cache' => [
'run' => 'cache:forget {cache key}',
'type' => 'danger',
'group' => 'Cache',
'variables' => [
'label' => 'cache key' // This needs to match with variable defined in the command,
'field' => 'select' // Allowed values (text,number,tel,select,date,email,password),
'options' => [
'blog-cache' => 'Clear Blog Cache',
'app-cache' => 'Clear Application Cache'
'placeholder' => 'Select An Option'
// Command with flags
'Run Migrations' => [
'run' => 'migrate --force',
'type' => 'danger',
'group' => 'Migration',
// Command with optional flags
'Run Migrations' => [
'run' => 'migrate',
'type' => 'danger',
'group' => 'Migration',
'flags' => [
// These optional flags will be prompted as a checkbox for the user
// And will be appended to the command if the user checks the checkbox
'--force' => 'Force running in production'
// Command with help text
'Run Migrations' => [
'run' => 'migrate --force',
'type' => 'danger',
'group' => 'Migration',
// You can also add html for help text.
'help' => 'This is a destructive operation. Proceed only if you really know what you are doing.'
// Queueing commands
'Clear Cache' => [
'run' => 'cache:clear --should-queue',
'type' => 'danger',
'group' => 'Cache',
// Queueing commands on custom queue and connection
'Clear Cache' => [
'run' => 'cache:clear --should-queue --cr-queue=high --cr-connection=database',
'type' => 'danger',
'group' => 'Cache',
Create Artisan command with progress bar. For example:
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Workup\Nova\CommandRunner\Console\HasNovaProgressBar;
class LongCommand extends Command
use HasNovaProgressBar;
protected $signature = 'command:long';
public function handle()
$bar = $this->createProgressBar(10);
foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
return Command::SUCCESS;
Add your command to config commands list
'commands' => [
// Queueing long-running commands with custom timeout limit and output size
'Long Command' => [
'run' => 'command:long --should-queue', // '--should-queue' is a required option to display the progressbar
'type' => 'primary',
'group' => 'Application',
'timeout' => 120, // Updates the timeout limit for the given queued command
'output_size' => 3, // The number of last lines to be displayed in the output
// Limit the command run history to latest 10 runs
'history' => 10,
// Tool name displayed in the navigation menu
'navigation_label' => 'Command Runner',
// Any additional info to display on the tool page. Can contain string and html.
'help' => '',
// Groups whose commands should not be running simultaneously, ['*'] to apply this globally to all commands
'unique_command_groups' => [],
// Allow running of custom artisan and bash(shell) commands
'custom_commands' => ['artisan','bash'],
// Allow running of custom artisan commands only(disable custom bash(shell) commands)
'custom_commands' => ['artisan'],
// Allow running of custom bash(shell) commands only(disable custom artisan commands)
'custom_commands' => ['bash'],
// Disable running of custom commands.
'custom_commands' => [],
'without_overlapping' => [
// Blocks running commands simultaneously under the given groups. Use '*' for block all groups
'groups' => [],
// Blocks running commands simultaneously. Use '*' for block all groups
'commands' => [],
Thank you for considering contributing to this package! Please create a pull request with your contributions with detailed explanation of the changes you are proposing.
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.