Python API wrapper for Castor EDC to fetch data from or post data to your clinical study.
This package is no longer maintained.
Using conda and the conda-forge channel (recommended):
conda install -c conda-forge castorapi
But, you can also install using pip (
pip install castorapi
Using conda and the conda-forge channel:
conda update -c conda-forge castorapi
Using pip (
pip install castorapi --upgrade
First, make sure that save the client and secret from your Castor account in seperate client and secret files (without line endings) in a private folder on your PC. Do not share these files with anyone.
See also and
import castorapi as ca
c = ca.CastorApi('/path/to/folder/with/secret_client')
c.select_study_by_name('<CASTOR_STUDY_NAME>') # all following commands use this study selection
stats = c.request_statistics()
df_study, df_structure_study, df_report, df_structure_report, df_optiongroups_structure = c.records_reports_all()
users_in_study = c.request_studyuser()
# Getting data from castor about patients in a study
# Posting data to castor to create a new patient
# add institute_id and , request_method='POST' to use this functionality.
c.request_study_records(record_id='CASTOR00010', institute_id=<instituteID>, request_method='POST')
- The documentation is sparse. Feel free to contribute.
- Not all Castor API functions are implemented (I implement them on a need-to-use basis), feel free to contribute.
- See for an overview of all open issues.
I am not affiliated with Castor EDC in any way. Use this software at your own risk. If this API tool does not suffice - take a look at the work from Reinier van Linschoten, who also created a Python package for two-way communication Castor EDC (2021). (