[CVPR 2023] DepGraph: Towards Any Structural Pruning
Score-based Generative Models (Diffusion Models) for Speech Enhancement and Dereverberation
PyTorch implementation of the Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality for wideband audio
Improving Convolutional Networks via Attention Transfer (ICLR 2017)
grazder / DeepFilterNet
Forked from Rikorose/DeepFilterNetNoise supression using deep filtering
Pytorch implementation of various Knowledge Distillation (KD) methods.
OpenMMLab Model Compression Toolbox and Benchmark.
AI powered speech denoising and enhancement
An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, including feature engineering, neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.
A PyTorch implementation of "TasNet: Surpassing Ideal Time-Frequency Masking for Speech Separation" (see recipes in aps framework
An example of a speech enhancement model deployed with TensorRT.
Cross-Layer Similarity Knowledge Distillation for Speech Enhancement
The official implementation of GTCRN, an ultra-lite speech enhancement model.
Easy to use Beamformers for multi-channel speech separation/enhancement
Demo for Neural Spatio-Temporal Beamformer for Target Speech Separation accepted to INTERSPEECH2020
This applet is used to show the impact of different parameters like ratio, threshold, attack, release and hold on the audio quality, the signal time plot and its dynamic range.
Noise supression using deep filtering
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