This is a fun project I worked on over winter break for our annual Christmas party. Charades is a bilingual app to simplify the preparation process for setting up a classic Charades game. Instead of handwriting cards or buying a Charades deck, simply put your desired words (and any translations) into the app's Words data structure, and easily make your own customizable Charades games!
- Charades was built using the Model-View-Controller design pattern without the use of any Storyboards.
- All the UIViews were programmed using a constraints-based approach to allow for maximum UI customization.
- Because Charades was developed natively in Swift, the app supports full Screen reader functionality.
Note: The Root ViewController of the app is a TabBarController in order to support the addition of multiple tabs easily if needed. (For now it is hidden because we only have one tab)
- Clone this GitHub repository
- Open the .xcodeproj file using Xcode
- Select iPhone version in the upper left drop-down menu
Note: This app is currently optimized for iPhone 11 / iPhone XR view size
- Click the Play button to run the Simulator
- Open the "WordData.swift" file under the "Models" group
- Make any desired additions to the "Word Arrays"
- Important: Make sure any additions in one language array have a corresponding entry in the other array at the same index. The application logic treats the two arrays as an atomic structure.