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This connector enables the use of Hazelcast Pipelines to service REST/HTTP Requests. One major benefit of this approach is the ability to have multiple implementations of a service and control the amount of traffic directed to each, enabling blue/green style deployments. It also enables web service implementations to be managed within Hazelcast in the same way that event processing workloads are managed, thus simplifying operations.

Some additional advantages of this approach are:

  • The Spring Boot application is very light and stateless. It is easy to scale simply by running multiple instances behind a load balancer.
  • The Spring Boot application servers contain no business logic or data, making them safer to run in an internet facing subnet.
  • The business logic is in an independently deployable Hazelcast pipeline. The logic can be updated by deploying a new Pipeline, without touching the web servers.
  • The web tier and the business logic tiers scale independently.
  • Compute resources do not have to be specifically assigned to each service. Instead, all service implementations share the compute resources of a Hazelcast cluster. Adding compute capacity is as easy as adding servers to the cluster.

Running the Example

A sample spring boot application that uses the Hazelcast pipeline dispatcher is included in this project. To run it with Docker, run

mvn clean install
docker compose --profile clientserver up -d

This will start a single-node Hazelcast pipeline running a string-reversing job and a Spring Boot web service that accepts HTTP GET requests. It can be invoked with a URL like: http://localhost:8080/reverse?input=helloworld.

To stop everything run: docker compose --profile clientserver down

You can also run the example with the Hazelcast instance embedded in the web application:

docker compose --profile embedded up -d.

Both the embedded profile and the clientserver profile start a Hazelcast Management Center, which can be accessed at http://localhost:8888.


To use Hazelcast as a service grid, you need to do the following 3 things.

  • Implement a web service with Spring Boot. The web service is very thin and typically contains little or no business logic.
  • Implement the business logic in Java with a Hazelcast Pipeline.
  • Deploy the pipeline and configure routing to enable your implementation. If there are multiple implementations of your pipeline, you can configure the percentage of traffic that is passed to each.

Each of the three steps is described in more detail below

Implement The Web Service

Include the following maven dependency in your project (replace VERSION with the version you wish to use).


In your REST controller, add an autowired instance of PipelineDispatcherFactory.


public class ExampleService {
    PipelineDispatcherFactory pipelineDispatcherFactory;

Dispatch a request to Hazelcast using code similar to the following.

public class ExampleService {
    PipelineDispatcherFactory pipelineDispatcherFactory;
    public DeferredResult<String> stringReverseService(@RequestParam String input) {
        return pipelineDispatcherFactory.<String, String>dispatcherFor("reverse").send(input);

The dispatcherFor method takes the name of the service as an argument.

The dispatcherFor method has two type parameters. The first is the type of the input and the second is the type of the output. In this example, the input and output types are both Strings. These should match with the types expected by and produced by the pipeline that implements the service.

Configuring the Connection to Hazelcast

The web service is configured using properties from the Spring Environment per the usual Spring Boot mechanism. There are several different ways to provide values for these properties. See, for example, for more details. The properties used by the pipeline dispatcher are given below.

Property Description
hazelcast.pipeline.dispatcher.embed_hazelcast Whether to start a Hazelcast instance embedded in the application server (true) or connect to a remote instance (false). Defaults to false.
hazelcast.pipeline.dispatcher.request_timeout_ms The number of milliseconds to wait for a response from the pipeline. A timeout response will be returned if the response does not arrive after this amount of time. Defaults to 3s.

Additionally, you need to set the path to a Hazelcast configuration file.

For the client-server configuration, you can either put a file called hazelcast-client.xml on the class path or set the hazelcast.client.config system property to the location of your configuration files. For more details on configuring the connection to Hazelcast in client-server mode, see

For embedded mode, you can put a hazelcast.xml or hazelcast.yaml file in the working directory or on the classpath. Alternatively, you can specify the location of a configuration file using the hazelcast.config system property. For more information about configuring Hazelcast in embedded mode, see

NOTE hazelcast.client.config and hazelcast.config must be configured as system properties. Hazelcast will not use the Spring Environment abstraction for these.

Embedding a Hazelcast Instance

For most use cases it makes more sense connect to a remote Hazelcast cluster. However, it is possible to embed a Hazelcast instance into each web service instance and to have them form a cluster.

Note Embedding is not generally recommended because, as stateful services, Hazelcast clusters must be managed with more care than stateless web service instances. For example, if the cluster data structures are configured for 1 redundant copy then data (e.g. requests in flight) will be lost if more than one instances is taken out of service at the same time.

To embed a Hazelcast instance, set the hazelcast.pipeline.dispatcher.embed_hazelcast property to true, and provide a hazelcast configuration file using one of the methods discussed above. In this case, the application can deploy a pipeline using code similar to the following.

public class ExampleService {
    PipelineDispatcherFactory pipelineDispatcherFactory;
    boolean embedHazelcast;
    // handler code here

    public void init() {
        if (embedHazelcast) {
            HazelcastInstance hz = pipelineDispatcherFactory.getEmbeddedHazelcastInstance();
            Pipeline pipeline = ExamplePipeline.createPipeline("reverse_request", "reverse_response");

Implement The Hazelcast Pipeline

Services are implemented as Hazelcast Pipelines.

Pipelines that implement services must follow these guidelines.

  1. They must read the request from an IMap backed StreamSource created using Sources.mapJournal
  2. They must write the response to an IMap backed Sink created using
  3. The request and response types must be serializable and must correspond to the types declared by the corresponding PipelineDispatcher.
  4. The map names must follow a certain convention, which is described below.

See for an example.

Note IMaps that are use as service inputs (i.e. IMaps named *_request) must have an event journal configured. See

Map Naming Conventions

By default, the name of the input map is SERVICE_NAME_request and the output map is SERVICE_NAME_response. For example, for a service named reverse, the input and output maps would be, respectively, reverse_request and reverse_response.

However, it is also possible to run multiple versions of a service at the same time and to route traffic between them. If multi-version support is enabled (see below) then the name of the input map changes to include the version name. Version names can be any simple string. For example, if you wish to deploy two versions of the reverse service, say v1 and v2 then the corresponding input map names would be reverse_v1_request and reverse_v2_request.

Note that the output map is not version specific. both pipelines must write their output to the reverse_response map.

Configuring Multi-Version Request Routing

If you only want one implementation of a service running at a time, you do not need to configure routing. Just make sure that your service reads the request from the SERVICE_NAME_request map and writes the response to the service_name_response map.

Multi-version routing is enabled at the service level by loading a routing configuration for the service. Routing configurations are loaded from JSON formatted files. A sample configuration for 2 services is shown below.

  "reverse": {
      "versions" : ["v1","v2"],
      "percentages" : [0.5, 1.0]
  "capitalize": {
    "versions" : ["v9","v11"],
    "percentages" : [0.8, 1.0]

In the example above, 50% of requests to the reverse service will go to v1 and 50% to v2. For the capitalize service, 80% of requests will go to v9 and the remaining 20% will go to v11.

The percentages list must be the same length as the versions list and all percentages must be in the range [0.0,1.0] with each one greater than the previous one. To select the version, the dispatcher generates a random number in [0.0, 1.0]. The percentages list is evaluated in order and the version is used that corresponds to the first percentage that is greater than or equal to the random number. For example, for "capitalize" defined above, a random number of .8 would cause "v9" to be used while a random number of .95 would cause "v11" to be used.

A utility to dump and load routing policies is provided. Sample dump and load commands are shown below. Of course you would need to change N.N.N to a specific version of the dispatcher.

# dump
java -cp /opt/project/solution/target/spring-hazelcast-pipeline-dispatcher-N.N.N.jar:/opt/project/solution/target/dependency/* \ dump \ 
    --hz-cluster-name dev --hz-servers hz-pipeline:5701

java -cp /opt/project/solution/target/spring-hazelcast-pipeline-dispatcher-N.N.N.jar:/opt/project/solution/target/dependency/* \
  load \
           --hz-cluster-name dev --hz-servers hz-pipeline:5701 --input /opt/project/reverse_routing.json 

When you load a routing policy, only the services that are in the input file are updated. Services that are not in the input file are not changed. Currently, there is no way to remove the routing policy for a service but you can update it to a single version which receives all the traffic.

Note The routing policy automatically takes effect whenever it is updated. There is no need to restart anything.

Implementation Details

  • This implementation uses an asynchronous architecture for high performance and scalability. The REST controller's service method returns a DeferredResult and retrieving the response from Hazelcast is also asynchronous. When the response arrives, the setResult method of the DeferredResult instance is called.
  • The request is sent to the Pipeline by a put on a configurable request map. The key is client id and a unique request id. The value is just the request input.
  • When the Pipeline has computed the result, it will put the response into a configurable response map. The key will be the same as the key for the originating request.
  • The Spring Boot application will use a listener with a predicate, containing its client id, to listen for relevant results.
  • When a result with the matching client id is put into response map, the correct HTTP Server instance will be notified via its listener. It will then use the unique id to look up the correct DeferredResult instance. The result will be sent to the original HTTP/REST client by calling the DeferredResult.setResult method.

Release Notes


Removed the hazelcast.pipeline.dispatcher.hazelcast_config_file property and replaced it with the default Hazelcast configuration method as described by these 2 links.


Added dynamic multi-version routing


Support for using a Hazelcast Pipeline to service web service requests.







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