Cool instagram scripts for promotion and API wrapper. Written in Python.
As you may know, Instagram closed it's API in summer 2016. This Python module can do the same thing without any effort. Also it has lots of example scripts to start with.
If you have any ideas, please, leave them in issues section or in our telegram chat.
Your Contribution and Support through Stars will be highly appreciated.
Install latest stable version or update current from pip
pip install -U instabot
Full installation steps for UNIX (Linux, macOS) users here.
If you are Windows user, go to Windows installation.
Choose any script from examples and run
If you have any problems with script, please ask questions in telegram chat.
Implemented bot methods
from instabot import Bot
bot = Bot()
from instabot import Bot
bot = Bot(
stop_words=['shop', 'store', 'free']
parameter | description | example |
max_likes_per_day | How many likes will bot put per day | 1000 |
max_unlikes_per_day | How many unliked medias in a day | 1000 |
max_follows_per_day | Max number of follow per day | 350 |
max_unfollows_per_day | Max number of follow per day | 350 |
max_comments_per_day | Max number of comments per day | 100 |
max_likes_to_like | If the media has more likes then this value - it will be ignorred to like | 200 |
max_followers_to_follow | If the user have more followers than this value - he will not be followed or liked. | 2000 |
min_followers_to_follow | If the user have less followers than this value - he will not be followed or liked. | 10 |
max_following_to_follow | If the user have more following than this value - he will not be followed or liked. | 10000 |
min_following_to_follow | If the user have less following than this value - he will not be followed or liked. | 10 |
max_followers_to_following_ratio | if user's followers/following is greater than this value - he will not be followed or liked. | 10 |
max_following_to_followers_ratio | if user's following/followers is greater than this value - he will not be followed or liked. | 2 |
min_media_count_to_follow | If the user have less medias than this value - he will not be followed. | 3 |
max_likes_to_like | Max number of likes that can media have to be liked | 100 |
like_delay | Delay between likes in seconds | 10 |
unlike_delay | Delay between unlikes in seconds | 10 |
follow_delay | Delay between follows in seconds | 30 |
unfollow_delay | Delay between unfollows in seconds | 30 |
comment_delay | Delay between comments in seconds | 60 |
whitelist | Path to the file with users that shouldn't be unfollowed | "whitelist.txt" |
blacklist | Path to the file with users that shouldn't be followed, liked or commented | "blacklist.txt" |
comments_file | Path to the comments database | "comments.txt" |
stop_words | A list of stop words: don't follow user if he has any stop word in a description | ['shop', 'store', 'free'] |
In all files one line - one item (comment or user).
method | description | example |
get_your_medias | Get list of your last medias | bot.get_you_medias() |
get_timeline_medias | Get list of media_ids from you timeline feed | bot.get_timeline_medias() |
get_user_medias | Get list of user's medias | bot.get_user_medias("ohld") |
get_hashtag_medias | Get list of medias by hashtag | bot.get_hashtag_medias("Dog") |
get_geotag_medias | Get list of medias by geotag | TODO |
get_timeline_users | Get list of users from your timeline feed | bot.get_timeline_users() |
get_hashtag_users | Get list of users who posted with hashtag | TODO |
get_geotag_users | Get list of users who posted with geotag | TODO |
get_userid_from_username | Convert username to user_id | TODO |
get_user_followers | Get list of user's followers | bot.get_user_followers("ohld") |
get_user_following | Get list of user's following | bot.get_user_following("ohld") |
get_media_likers | Get list of media likers | bot.get_media_likers("12312412") |
get_media_comments | Get list of media's comments | TODO |
get_comment | Get comment from comment file | bot.get_comment() |
get_media_commenters | Get list of users who commented media | bot.get_media_commenters("12321") |
method | description | example |
like | Like media_id |"1231241210") |
like_medias | Like medias from list | bot.like_medias(["1323124", "123141245"]) |
like_timeline | Like medias from your timeline feed | bot.like_timeline() |
like_user | Like last user's medias | bot.like_user("ohld") |
like_hashtag | Like last medias with hashtag | bot.like_hashtag("dog") |
like_geotag | Like last medias with geotag | TODO |
method | description | example |
unlike | Remove like from media | bot.unlike("12321412512") |
unlike_medias | Remove likes from medias in list | bot.unlike_medias(["123", "321"]) |
method | description | example |
follow | Follow user | bot.follow("ohld") |
follow_users | Follow users from list | bot.follow(["ohld", "lenakolenka"]) |
method | description | example |
unfollow | Unfollow user | bot.unfollow("ohld") |
unfollow_users | Unfollow users from list | bot.unfollow(["ohld", "lenakolenka"]) |
unfollow_non_followers | Unfollow users who don't follow you | bot.unfollow_non_followers() |
method | description | example |
comment | Put a comment under media | bot.comment("1231234", "Nice pic!") |
comment_medias | Put comments under medias from list | bot.comment_medias(["123", "321"]) |
comment_hashtag | Put comments under medias by hashtag | bot.comment_hashtag("Dog") |
comment_geotag | Put comments under medias by geotag | TODO |
comment_users | Put comments under users' last medias | TODO |
is_commented | Check if media is already commented | bot.is_commented("123321") |
method | description | example |
save_checkpoint() | Save checkpoint of your account. Return path to it. | bot.save_checkpoint("my_cp") |
revert_to_checkpoint(file_path) | Unfollow the new following made after checkpoint creation. | bot.revert_to_checkpoint("my_cp") |
load_checkpoint(path) | Load checkpoint from path. Return Checkpoint class. | cp = bot.load_checkpoint( bot.last_checkpoint_path) |
load_last_checkpoint() | Load last checkpoint if it was in current session. | bot.load_last_checkpoint() |
checkpoint_followers_diff(cp) | returns a list of users who become your followers after checkpoint. | bot.checkpoint_followers_diff(cp) |
checkpoint_following_diff(cp) | returns a list of users who become your following after checkpoint. | bot.checkpoint_following_diff(cp) |
from instabot import Bot
bot = Bot()
As long as docker is running on your machine you can build an instabot docker image like this
docker build -t instabot .
Then run your image with an example or your custom script:
docker run --name instabot -p 80:80 -i -t instabot python examples/
The best way to start is to go to examples and play with them.
by @ohld