confluent kafka client producer and consumer wrapper
consumer_group_id = the consumer group. we default to rely on this without self-managing the offset/partitions
bootstrap.servers = semicolon delimited list of brokers
batch_size = batch size for produce messages, default 1
sasl.username = username sasl.password = password
num_partitions_${topic} = topic specific number of partions when create topic,default 1 replication_factor = broker specific configuration,default 3. if not match with server, create topic will fail disable_dlq_${topic} = if explicity disabled dlq of a topic. "true" for enable . default enabled
#the latch to enable or disable amqp; if it is not a "true" (case sensitive), it will not forward message to RMQ use_amqp=true #the connection string for amqp amqp_connection_string=amqp://$username:$password@host:$port/ #queue name used in rmq. create if not exist amqp_queue_name=the_queue_name_in_rmq