Global tooling for handling 3D Tiles b3dm files.
Supports operations like:
getting information about the b3dm (info);
unpacking from b3dm to glb (unpack);
creating b3dm from glb file (pack).
pack pack b3dm
unpack unpack b3dm
info info b3dm
help Display more information on a specific command.
version Display version information.
Info options:
-i, --input Required. Input path of the .b3dm
Pack options:
-i, --input Required. Input path of the glb file
-o, --output (Default: ) Output path of the resulting .b3dm
-f, --force (Default: false) force overwrite output file
Batch information is retrieved from files .batchtable.json and .featuretable.json when present.
Unpack options:
-i, --input Required. Input path of the .b3dm
-o, --output (Default: ) Output path of the resulting .glb
-f, --force (Default: false) force overwrite output file
Batch information is saved in files .batchtable.json and .featuretable.json when present.
Requirement: Install .NET SDK 6.0
- Install from NuGet
$ dotnet tool install -g b3dm.tooling
or update:
$ dotnet tool update -g b3dm.tooling
1] Command Info b3dm_file gives header info about b3dm file and glTF in the payload
$ b3dm info -i test.b3dm
b3dm header version: 1
b3dm header magic: b3dm
b3dm header bytelength: 69658
b3dm header featuretablejson length: 20
b3dm header batchtablejson length: 521
Batch table json: {"hoehe":["17.386000000000024","18.34499999999997","18.58699999999999","21.860000000000014","10.168000000000006","20.584000000000003","19.70599999999996","19.817000000000007","20.000999999999976","16.577999999999975","17.865999999999985","17.745000000000005"],"citygml_class":["BB01","BB01","BB01","BB01","BB01","BB01","BB01","BB01","BB01","BB01","BB01","BB01"],"surfaceType":["roof","roof","roof","roof","roof","roof","roof","roof","roof","roof","roof","roof"],"Region":["5","5","5","5","5","5","5","5","5","5","5","5"]}
Feature table json: {"BATCH_LENGTH":12}
glTF model is loaded
Validation check: no errors
glTF model is loaded
glTF generator: Khronos glTF Blender I/O v1.2.75
glTF version:2.0
glTF primitives: 1
glTF triangles: 722
Bounding box vertices: -0.2226839, 0.2226839, 0, 0.56007576, -0.26161957, 0.26161957
2] Command unpack -i b3dm_filename
unpacks a b3dm file to GLB format and creates {name}.batchtable.json and {name}.featuretable.json files when containing batchTableJson information
$ b3dm unpack -i 1.b3dm
Action: Unpack
Input: 1.b3dm
b3dm version: 1
glTF asset generator: py3dtiles
glTF version: 2.0
Buffer bytes: 167832
Glb created: 1.glb
BatchTable json file created: 1.batchtable.json
FeatureTable json file created: 1.featuretable.json
Sample file 1.batchtable.json:
Sample file 1.featuretable.json:
3] Command pack -i glb_filename to pack a glb to b3dm file and importing batchTableJson when .batch file exists.
$ b3dm pack -i test.glb
Action: Pack
Input: 1.b3dm
Input batch file: 1.batch
B3dm created output.b3dm
$ cd b3dm-tile-cs\b3dm.tooling
$ dotnet pack
$ dotnet tool install --global --add-source ./nupkg b3dm.tooling
or update:
$ dotnet tool update --global --add-source ./nupkg b3dm.tooling
2023-02-16: release 1.0.3, 1.0.4 - bug fix reading fglb from b3dm with trailing padding
2023-02-16: release 1.0.1, 1.0.2 - bug fix for option pack with remote file
2022-12-08: release 1.0 - upgrading to .NET 6
2020-09-16: simplify unpack - release 0.20
2020-08-21: adding reading/writing batch information to/from .batchtable.json and .featuretable.json
2020-08-19: added support for reading glTF with KHR_mesh_quantization. A custom build of SharpGltf on myget is used for now: