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This repository consist of Dockerfile to build Docker image for kali linux with open source tools that commonly use in bug bounty activity

List of tools

List of wordlists

First setup for fresh machine (Windows)

  1. Install Docker Desktop for Windows
  2. Select working directory, clone the repository & cd to wsskali directory
    $ git clone
    $ cd wsskali
  3. Run docker-compose (in wsskali directory)
    $ docker-compose up -d
  4. To shutdown (in wsskali directory)
    $ docker-compose down
  5. To check status (in wsskali directory)
    $ docker-compose ps

First setup for fresh machine or server (Linux)

  1. Spin up new Linux server - prefer Debian
  2. Update, upgrade & install git
    $ apt update && apt upgrade
    $ apt install git
  3. Clone the repository & cd to wsskali directory
    $ git clone
    $ cd wsskali
  4. Run first-setup shell script
    $ bash first-setup
  5. Run docker compose (in wsskali directory)
    $ docker compose up -d
  6. To shutdown (in wsskali directory)
    $ docker compose down
  7. To check status (in wsskali directory)
    $ docker compose ps

How to setup and access container

  1. Run cd to wsskali directory
  2. If run docker-compose up -d command, it should auto build and run the docker image. run check as below:
    $ docker image ls
    If image already created, proceed to step no. 6. If no image created, follow step no. 3 to 5 as below.
  3. To build the docker image run command as $ docker build . -t <image-name>:<image-tag>
    $ docker build . -t wsskali:1.0
    $ docker image ls
  4. Better to create volume first $ docker volume create <volume-name> (easy to manage data in the future)
    $ docker volume create wsskali
    $ docker volume ls
  5. Once image created, run with $ docker run -v <vol-name-in-host>:<pwd-in-container> --name <prefered-container-name>
    $ docker run -v wsskali:/home --name wss_kali
  6. If already in running state, access container with cmd wk as already define in .bashrc (for linux) or $ docker exec -it <container-running> /bin/bash
    $ wk
    $ docker exec -it wss_kali /bin/bash
    If access from Visual Studio Code, need to install Extension: Remote - Containers by Microsoft. Once installed and container is running, access container via:
    Ctrl+Shift+P > Select Remote-Containers...

Once container up and running

If require to have full capabilities as kali linux, fresh install the first-kali-setup with run command (require some input during setup):

$ first-kali-setup

This script will run kali-linux-headless as define in Please choose other packages if require.


  1. Get url, domain, subdomain
    1. Scan with subfinder
    2. Cat from subfinder, push to waybackurls - to gather info from archive
    3. Cat from subfinder, push to hakrawler - to crawl data
  2. Scan either it alive
    1. Probe with httpx
    2. To-Do: how to use meg
  3. Identify good spot - what technology behind it
    1. Analyze output from httpx
    2. Support analyze with goofuzz - gather info from search engine
    3. Use fff to gather header and response from target
    4. Use ffuf to fuzzing directory, subdomain, files, etc.
  4. Scan for vulnerability
    1. Scan with nuclei
  5. Found any low, medium, high, critical - use notify push to slack, telegram, etc.
  6. anew useful to append output into existing files


  • To complete Debian Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml


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