The fastest way to type cd command
$ c /u/l/b
$ c /l/as/as
/Library/Application Support/App Store
$ c /a/v/c/r/a/e/
/Applications/Visual Studio
c:\>c /pf/mss/100
c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100
c:\>c /pf/mss
c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
c:\>c /pf/mss/v
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v4.0
- Get a binary file
- Define a function
brew tap wtetsu/sillycd
brew install sillycd
or download and add it to a PATH directory.
sillycd just writes a matched directory to stdout. If you use sillycd as alternative cd, you have to define a shell function.
# For bash:
function c() {
d=`sillycd $1`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo $d
cd "$d"
echo "$1: No such file or directory" >&2
$ c /u/l/b
And add these files into a PATH directory.
- sillycd.exe
- c.bat
c:\>c /pf
- You have to type the first character of each directory
- If multiple directories were matched, sillycd selects the most appropriate directory
Folder, lightning, power icon(LGPL)