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SameGame Autoplay
(by Wolfgang Teuber)

SameGame Autoplay is a tool set for automated playing a round-based SameGame.
The main components are the player (for interacting with screen and mouse)
and the solver(s) (for finding solutions for a particular SameGame setup).
SameGame Autoplay contains one player and two solvers. The player (written with
AutoIt3) firstly parses the SameGame from the screen and secondly controls the
mouse movement adn clicks during the playing phase. It will work with any
SameGame application (javascript, flash, java, desktop, ...).

1 Environment
  For a full use of SameGame Autoplay you need:
    - Windows, XP or higher
    - cygwin with make, gcc, ...
    - AutoIt, v3.3.8.0
    - Ruby 1.9.3

2 Install
  In your cygwin bash run:
    $> bash

3 Run
  Before starting SameGame Autoplay you need to write a configuration file for
  this particular SameGame implementation and place the mouse cursor
  over the most left bottom tile of the SameGame field or (if there is
  a init_cursor executable) anywhere over the SameGame field. Once you
  did all that, run:
    $> ./autoplay.rb <rounds> <samegame>

  Sample: $> ./autoplay.rb 1 knugie_same
  This will print a detailed log like this:
    2012/05/04 12:07:52.296>>    Autoplay | Round: 1 of 1
    2012/05/04 12:07:52.476>>    Init     | mouse cursor position: .\player\bin\knugie_same_init_cursor.exe
    2012/05/04 12:07:53.070>>    Parse    | start, samegame (knugie_same)...
    2012/05/04 12:07:53.101>>    Parse    | result:
    1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3
    2 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2
    1 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2
    2 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 3
    2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 2
    3 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1
    3 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 3 3
    2 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 3
    1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2
    1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1
    2012/05/04 12:07:53.101>>    Parse    | done, samegame (knugie_same)
    2012/05/04 12:07:53.222>>    Solve    | start, use evolutionary solver...
    2012/05/04 12:07:56.629>>    Solve    | done, solution:
    2012/05/04 12:07:56.819>>    Init     | mouse cursor position: .\player\bin\knugie_same_init_cursor.exe
    2012/05/04 12:07:57.382>>    Play     | start, samegame (knugie_same)...
    2012/05/04 12:08:26.942>>    Play     | done, samegame (knugie_same)

  To print the help screen, simply run:
    $> ./autoplay.rb

  This will also list all currently available configurations.
  Sample output:
    Autoplay for SameGame Solver
    USAGE: ruby ./autoplay.rb <rounds> <samegame>
    Supported samegames are:
        - bezumie_same
        - bricks_breaking
        - cube_crash
        - haynes_same
        - knugie_same

  In the printed help, it says "ruby ./autoplay.rb ...". "ruby" does not need to
  be written if the "./autoplay.rb" is executable. Running the ./
  ensures that. No matter if "./autoplay.rb" is executable or not,
  "ruby ./autoplay.rb ..." will work just fine if "./autoplay.rb" is readable.
  If you want to redirect log output to a sepqrat file, use 
    $> ruby autorun.rb 1000 knugie_same > knugie_same_1000.log 2>&1 &
  This will run 1000 rounds of knugie_same and write all log messages to
  knugie_same_1000.log. This way you are able to check your logs later on.

4 Writing configuration files
  Configuration files are located at ./player/config/ . The syntax is based on the
  ini-format. Sample:
    ;This is a configuration file for SameGame Autoplay
    ;It contains settings for parsing, solving and (auto)playing a SameGame.

    ;name of this samegame implementation (optional)
    ;command used to set the initial mouse cursor position (optional)
    ;a link to the samegame implementation (optional)

    [game settings]
    ;number of columns of the game field
    ;number of rows of the game field
    ;width of a tile in pixels
    ;height of a tile in pixels
    ;number of least connected tiles to be "hittable"
    ;number of clicks needed to clear a group of tiles
    ;number of milliseconds the program should wait after an area has been removed
    ;number of milliseconds the program should wait after the mouse curser has moved away from the game field

    [color settings]
    ;color tolerance for each value of R-, G- and B-component
    ;threshold value of RGB components for background color
    ;states if the background is 'darker' or 'brighter' than the tiles

    ;type of algorithm used to search for a solution, one of: evolutionary, brute-force

5 Testing your configuration file
  Once your created a new configuration file, only parse the SameGame first. You
  need to place your mouse cursor over the most left bottom tile of the SameGame
  and run:
    $> ./player/bin/samegame.exe --config=./player/config/mynewconfig.cfg
  If the result looks like your SameGame, you are ready to autoplay the samegame.
  Change the parameters as you wish until you get a satisfying result.

6 Writing init_cursor executables
  Placing the mouse cursor by hand might result in unwanted effects. To
  eliminate misbehavior, you can write init_cursor executables (or scripts).
  Init_cursor executables are located at ./player/bin/ . You can find the source
  code at ./player/src/ . Here is a sample written in AutoItv3:
    ;~ knugie_same_init_cursor.au3
    ;~ makes sure the mouse cursor is positioned correctly

    Local $orig = MouseGetPos()
    ;~ Move left until white pixel is found
    While PixelGetColor($orig[0], $orig[1]) <> 16777215
      $orig[0] = $orig[0] - 1
    ;~ Move down to the corner of the game field
    While PixelGetColor($orig[0] + 1, $orig[1]) <> 16777215
      $orig[1] = $orig[1] + 1
    ;~ Set cursor to the center of the most bottom left tile
    MouseMove($orig[0] + 15, $orig[1] - 15, 0)

7 Player's Makefile
  There is a Makefile in ./player/ . Make sure to update it according to your
  changes in the project. Otherwise ./ will not work properly.

Have fun (not) playing the SameGame ;-)


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