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souravkl11 authored Sep 14, 2021
1 parent 225cab4 commit d945012
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Showing 61 changed files with 22,161 additions and 0 deletions.
451 changes: 451 additions & 0 deletions plugins/Eva Artificial Intelligence.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,111 changes: 2,111 additions & 0 deletions plugins/XMedia.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

231 changes: 231 additions & 0 deletions plugins/_asena.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions plugins/_plugin.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2020 Yusuf Usta.
Licensed under the GPL-3.0 License;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
WhatsAsena - Yusuf Usta

const Asena = require('../events');
const Heroku = require('heroku-client');
const Config = require('../config');
const {MessageType} = require('@adiwajshing/baileys');
const got = require('got');
const fs = require('fs');
const Db = require('./sql/plugin');

const Language = require('../language');
const Lang = Language.getString('_plugin');
const NLang = Language.getString('updater');

let msg = Config.LANG == 'TR' || Config.LANG == 'AZ' ? '*Bu Plugin Resmi Olarak Onaylanmıştır!* ✅' : '*This Plugin is Officially Approved!* ✅'
let unmsg = Config.LANG == 'TR' || Config.LANG == 'AZ' ? '*Bu Plugin Resmi Değildir!* ❌' : '*This Plugin isn\'t Officially Approved!* ❌'

const heroku = new Heroku({
token: Config.HEROKU.API_KEY

let baseURI = '/apps/' + Config.HEROKU.APP_NAME;
var LANG = {
unaffinfo: Config.LANG == 'TR' || Config.LANG == 'AZ' ? '*Yüklenen Pluginin Tehlike Derecesi:* _%' : '*Danger Level of Installed Plugin:* _%',
harmful: Config.LANG == 'TR' || Config.LANG == 'AZ' ? '*Bu Plugin Zararlı Olduğundan Yüklenemez!*' : '*This Plugin Cannot Be Installed As It Is Harmful!*',
duplicate: Config.LANG == 'TR' || Config.LANG == 'AZ' ? '*Aynı Plugini 2 Defa Yüklemeyezsiniz!*' : '*You Cannot Install the Same Plugin 2 Times!*',
limit: Config.LANG == 'TR' || Config.LANG == 'AZ' ? '*Bu Plugin Güvenlik Sınırını Aşıyor!*\n*Zararlılık Yüzdesi:* _%' : '*This Plugin Exceeds Security Limit!*\n*Percentage of Harm:* _%',
imside: Config.LANG == 'TR' || Config.LANG == 'AZ' ? '*Varolan Pluginleri Tekrar Yükleyemezsin!*' : '*You Cant Reinstall Existing Plugins!*'
Asena.addCommand({pattern: 'install ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: Lang.INSTALL_DESC, warn: Lang.WARN}, (async (message, match) => {

if (match[1] == '') return await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid,Lang.NEED_URL + '.install', MessageType.text)
try {
var url = new URL(match[1]);
} catch {
return await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid,Lang.INVALID_URL,txt);
if ( === '') { = '';
url = url.toString() + '/raw'
} else {
url = url.toString()
var response = await got(url);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// Plugin Name
var plugin_name = response.body.match(/addCommand\({.*pattern: ["'](.*)["'].*}/);
if (plugin_name.length >= 1) {
plugin_name = "__" + plugin_name[1];
} else {
plugin_name = "__" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(8);

fs.writeFileSync('./plugins/' + plugin_name + '.js', response.body);
try {
require('./' + plugin_name);
} catch (e) {
fs.unlinkSync('/root/WhatsAsenaDuplicated/plugins/' + plugin_name + '.js')
return await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid,Lang.INVALID_PLUGIN + ' ```' + e + '```', MessageType.text);
var DEG = { level: 5 }
if (response.body.includes('fs.')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 8
if (response.body.includes('')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 6
if (response.body.includes('Buffer')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 14
if (response.body.includes("require('fs')")) DEG.level = DEG.level + 9
if (response.body.includes('quotedMessage')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 5
if (response.body.includes('fs.unlinkSync')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 16
if (response.body.includes('findAll')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 20
if (response.body.includes('MessageType.location')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 9
if (response.body.includes('message.client.user.jid')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 8
if (response.body.includes('exec')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 14
if (response.body.includes('setMessage')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 22
if (response.body.includes('/sql/notes') || response.body.includes('/sql/lydia') || response.body.includes('/sql/plugin') || response.body.includes('/sql/greetings') || response.body.includes('/sql/filters')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 33
if (response.body.includes('neofetch')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 12
if (response.body.includes('groupMetadata')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 29
if (response.body.includes('similarity')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 18
if (response.body.includes('format')) DEG.level = DEG.level + 26
var plugins = await Db.PluginDB.findAll()
var find = '';
await => { find += })
if (find.includes(plugin_name)) {
await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid, LANG.duplicate, MessageType.text)
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 400))
fs.unlinkSync('/root/WhatsAsenaDuplicated/plugins/' + plugin_name + '.js')
else if (response.body.includes('formation') && !match[1].includes('phaticusthiccy')) {
await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid, LANG.harmful, MessageType.text)
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 400))
fs.unlinkSync('/root/WhatsAsenaDuplicated/plugins/' + plugin_name + '.js')
else if ((response.body.includes('') || response.body.includes('PluginDB') || response.body.includes('groupRemove') || response.body.includes('groupAdd') || response.body.includes('groupMakeAdmin') || response.body.includes('groupDemoteAdmin') || response.body.includes('groupSettingChange') || response.body.includes('groupInviteCode') || response.body.includes('Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)') || response.body.includes('') || response.body.includes('') || response.body.includes('heroku.delete') || response.body.includes('heroku.patch') || response.body.includes('Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Mobile Safari/537.36') || response.body.includes('groupLeave') || response.body.includes('updateProfilePicture') || response.body.includes('blockUser') || response.body.includes("Language.getString('system_stats')") || response.body.includes("commits['all'].map") || response.body.includes('await git.fetch') || response.body.includes('jids.push')) && !match[1].includes('phaticusthiccy')) {
await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid, LANG.imside, MessageType.text)
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 400))
fs.unlinkSync('/root/WhatsAsenaDuplicated/plugins/' + plugin_name + '.js')
else {
if (!match[1].includes('phaticusthiccy') && DEG.level > 99) {
await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid,LANG.limit + DEG.level + '_', MessageType.text)
fs.unlinkSync('/root/WhatsAsenaDuplicated/plugins/' + plugin_name + '.js')
else if (!match[1].includes('phaticusthiccy') && DEG.level < 100) {
await Db.installPlugin(url, plugin_name)
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 400))
await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid, Lang.UNOFF, MessageType.text)
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 400))
await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid, LANG.unaffinfo + DEG.level + '_', MessageType.text)
else {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 400))
await Db.installPlugin(url, plugin_name)
await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid, Lang.INSTALLED, MessageType.text)

Asena.addCommand({pattern: 'plugin$', fromMe: true, desc: Lang.PLUGIN_DESC}, (async (message, match) => {
var plugins = await Db.PluginDB.findAll();
if (plugins.length < 1) {
return await message.sendMessage(Lang.NO_PLUGIN);
} else {
(plugin) => {
let vf = plugin.dataValues.url.includes('phaticusthiccy') ? msg : unmsg
mesaj += '```' + + '```: ' + plugin.dataValues.url + '\n' + vf + '\n\n';
return await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid, mesaj, MessageType.text);

Asena.addCommand({pattern: 'remove(?: |$)(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: Lang.REMOVE_DESC}, (async (message, match) => {
if (match[1] === '') return await message.sendMessage(Lang.NEED_PLUGIN);
if (!match[1].startsWith('__')) match[1] = '__' + match[1];
try {
var plugin = await Db.PluginDB.findAll({ where: {name: match[1]} });
if (plugin.length < 1) {
return await message.sendMessage(message.jid, Lang.NOT_FOUND_PLUGIN, MessageType.text);
} else {
await plugin[0].destroy();
delete require.cache[require.resolve('./' + match[1] + '.js')]
fs.unlinkSync('./plugins/' + match[1] + '.js');
await message.client.sendMessage(message.jid, Lang.DELETED, MessageType.text);
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
await message.sendMessage(NLang.AFTER_UPDATE);
await heroku.delete(baseURI + '/dynos').catch(async (error) => {
await message.sendMessage(error.message);
} catch (errormsg) { return await message.sendMessage(message.jid, Lang.NOT_FOUND_PLUGIN, MessageType.text) }

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