This is a CI ORM, and inspired by laravel eloquent
composer require csitc/real-rap dev-master
Example: We need to fetch the user where user_id >= 50 and order by user_id and user_mobile and get the first one
$users = User::all(['*'])->where([ 'user_id <=' => 50] )->order([ 'user_id' => 'desc', 'user_mobile' => 'desc']) ->limit(1)->getOne();
The result maybe like this:
"user_create_date":"2016-07-10 09:44:54"
In the User.php, we can just write like this:
class User extends Model{ protected $table = 'inf_user'; protected $primaryKey = 'user_id'; protected $cast = [ 'user_id' => 'integer', 'is_subscribed' => 'bool' ]; protected $hidden = [ 'agent_user', 'bank_real_name', 'is_subscribed', 'rebate_already_mentioned', 'rebate_being_mention', 'rebate_unmentioned', 'user_email' ]; protected $attributes = [ 'user_id' => 'id', ]; }
$user = User::findWhere([ 'user_mobile' => '12381121695' ])->getOne(); if($user){ $user->user_mobile = '134234'; $user->save(); }
$user = new User(); $user->user_nick_name = 'Tom'; $user->save();
$user = User::findWhere(['user_mobile' => '18600908262'])->getOne(); if($user){ print_r($user->delete() ? 'record delete success' : 'record delete failed'); }else{ print_r('record is not exists'); }
User::findWhere(['user_mobile' => '18600908262'])->delete()
\RealRap\RealRap::trans(function(){ $user = new User(); $user->user_mobile = '13345727773'; $user->save(); $user = new User(); $user->user_mobile = '13347818106'; $user->save(); },function(){ echo 'success'; },function(){ echo 'error'; });
if we want to add model relation, for example, there is a table named ==inf_user==, and a table named ==inf_cd_keys==, and each recored in ==inf_user== has one or many record inf ==inf_cd_keys==, so it's easy to access the result with the flowing code;
First, get the user record
$this->user = User::all(['*'])->where([
'user_mobile' => '17010058640'
'user_id' => 'desc',
'user_mobile' => 'desc'
Then fetch if by the flowing:
$keys = $this->user->key
//The $keys is an array within objects or an object or null depends on the relation in User.php
The model can be write in this:
class User extends Model
protected $table = 'inf_user';
protected $primaryKey = 'user_id';
protected function key(){
return $this->hasMany(Key::class,'cdk_bind_user');
//return $this->hasOne(Key::class,'cdk_bind_user');
class Key extends Model
protected $table = 'inf_cd_keys';
protected $primaryKey = 'cdk_id';
- Wrap the collection data instead of an array