This repository contains the code for the paper "RG-Flow: A hierarchical and explainable flow model based on renormalization group and sparse prior" (arXiv:2020.00029).
Flow-based generative models have become an important class of unsupervised learning approaches. In this work, we incorporate the key ideas of renormalization group (RG) and sparse prior distribution to design a hierarchical flow-based generative model, called RG-Flow, which can separate different scale information of images with disentangled representations at each scale.
The code requires Python >= 3.7
and PyTorch >= 1.6
, with optional CUDA support. Other dependencies can be installed via
pip install -r requirements.txt
is the code for training the network. All adjustable arguments are stored in
, together with their default values when we were training on the CelebA dataset. They can be displayed via python --help
usage: [-h] [--data {celeba32,celeba64,mnist32,cifar10,chair600}] [--data_path DATA_PATH]
[--nchannels NCHANNELS] [--L L] [--prior {gaussian,laplace}] [--subnet {rnvp,ar}]
[--kernel_size KERNEL_SIZE] [--nlayers NLAYERS] [--nresblocks NRESBLOCKS]
[--nmlp NMLP] [--nhidden NHIDDEN] [--dtype {float32,float64}]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR] [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--epoch EPOCH]
[--clip_grad CLIP_GRAD] [--no_stdout] [--print_step PRINT_STEP]
[--save_epoch SAVE_EPOCH] [--keep_epoch KEEP_EPOCH] [--plot_epoch PLOT_EPOCH]
[--cuda CUDA] [--out_infix OUT_INFIX] [-o OUT_DIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
dataset parameters:
--data {celeba32,celeba64,mnist32,cifar10,chair600}
dataset name
--data_path DATA_PATH
dataset path
--nchannels NCHANNELS
number of channels
--L L edge length of images
network parameters:
--prior {gaussian,laplace}
prior of latent variables
--subnet {rnvp,ar} type of subnet in an RG block
--kernel_size KERNEL_SIZE
edge length of an RG block
--nlayers NLAYERS number of subnet layers in an RG block
--nresblocks NRESBLOCKS
number of residual blocks in a subnet layer
--nmlp NMLP number of MLP hidden layers in an residual block
--nhidden NHIDDEN width of MLP hidden layers
--dtype {float32,float64}
optimizer parameters:
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size
--lr LR learning rate
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
weight decay
--epoch EPOCH number of epoches
--clip_grad CLIP_GRAD
global norm to clip gradients, 0 for disabled
system parameters:
--no_stdout do not print log to stdout, for better performance
--print_step PRINT_STEP
number of batches to print log, 0 for disabled
--save_epoch SAVE_EPOCH
number of epochs to save network weights, 0 for disabled
--keep_epoch KEEP_EPOCH
number of epochs to keep saved network weights, 0 for disabled
--plot_epoch PLOT_EPOCH
number of epochs to plot samples, 0 for disabled
--cuda CUDA IDs of GPUs to use, empty for disabled
--out_infix OUT_INFIX
infix in output filename to distinguish repeated runs
-o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
directory for output, empty for disabled
During training, the log file and the network weights will be saved in out_dir
After the network is trained,
can be used to plot samples using mixed effective temperatures, described in Appendix B of the paper.
title={RG-Flow: A hierarchical and explainable flow model based on renormalization group and sparse prior},
author={Hu, Hong-Ye and Wu, Dian and You, Yi-Zhuang and Olshausen, Bruno and Chen, Yubei},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00029},