生成可用的代码变量 (CodeVar that return u a better variable from Chinese to English . )
A complete set of basic development platform for permission control based on RBAC model, with front-end and back-end separation, and the back-end using django+django-rest-framework, while the front…
Oracle Database & APEX Developer Docker Image
项目基于Django、Django REST framework(DRF)、Channels、Redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC;目前已实现基本功能,满足日常学习使用,工由于工作较忙更新较慢,请见谅......
Python网络爬虫与推荐算法新闻推荐平台:网络爬虫:通过Python实现新浪新闻的爬取,可爬取新闻页面上的标题、文本、图片、视频链接(保留排版) 推荐算法:权重衰减+标签推荐+区域推荐+热点推荐
Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle
Client-side form validation in Oracle APEX
Oracle APEX (Application Express) Interactive Grid Cheat Sheet
A curated list of awesome Oracle APEX resources
Official Oracle APEX repo for sample code, starter apps, plug-ins, and more! #orclapex
一个非常简单的feign异常处理器(A very simple feign exception handler)