Tags: wuqiangch/audiomentations
* Implement `SpecCompose` for applying a pipeline of spectrogram tran… …sforms. Thanks to omerferhatt. * Fix a bug in `SpecChannelShuffle` where it did not support more than 3 audio channels. Thanks to omerferhatt. * Limit scipy version range to >=1.0,<1.6 to avoid issues with loading 24-bit wav files. Support for scipy>=1.6 will be added later.
* Implement `LoudnessNormalization` * Implement `randomize_parameters` in `Compose`. Thanks to SolomidHero. * Add multichannel support to `AddGaussianNoise`, `AddGaussianSNR`, `ClippingDistortion`, `FrequencyMask`, `PitchShift`, `Shift`, `TimeMask` and `TimeStretch`
* Show a warning if a waveform had to be resampled after loading it. … …This is because resampling is slow. Ideally, files on disk should already have the desired sample rate. * Correctly find audio files with upper case filename extensions. * Lay the foundation for spectrogram transforms. Implement `SpecChannelShuffle` and `SpecFrequencyMask`. * Fix a bug where AddBackgroundNoise crashed when trying to add digital silence to an input. Thanks to juheeuu. * Configurable LRU cache for transforms that use external sound files. Thanks to alumae. * Officially add multichannel support to `Normalize`
* Implement `Mp3Compression` * Python <= 3.5 is no longer officially supported, since [Python 3.5 has reached end-of-life](https://devguide.python.org/#status-of-python-branches) * Expand range of supported `librosa` versions * Officially support multichannel audio in `Gain` and `PolarityInversion` * Add m4a and opus to the list of recognized audio filename extensions * Breaking change: Internal util functions are no longer exposed directly. If you were doing e.g. `from audiomentations import calculate_rms`, now you have to do `from audiomentations.core.utils import calculate_rms`
* Breaking change: AddImpulseResponse, AddBackgroundNoise and AddShor… …tNoises now include sounds from subfolders. This is useful when your sound files are organized in subfolders. * AddImpulseResponse, AddBackgroundNoise and AddShortNoises now support aiff files in addition to flac, mp3, ogg and wav * Fix filter instability bug in FrequencyMask. Thanks to kvilouras.
* Disregard non-audio files when looking for impulse response files * Remember randomized/chosen effect parameters. This allows for freezing the parameters and applying the same effect to multiple sounds. Use transform.freeze_parameters() and transform.unfreeze_parameters() for this. * Fix a bug in ClippingDistortion where the min_percentile_threshold was not respected as expected. * Implement transform.serialize_parameters(). Useful for when you want to store metadata on how a sound was perturbed. * Switch to a faster convolve implementation. This makes AddImpulseResponse significantly faster. * Add a rollover parameter to Shift. This allows for introducing silence instead of a wrapped part of the sound. * Expand supported range of librosa versions * Add support for flac in AddImpulseResponse * Implement AddBackgroundNoise transform. Useful for when you want to add background noise to all of your sound. You need to give it a folder of background noises to choose from. * Implement AddShortNoises. Useful for when you want to add (bursts of) short noise sounds to your input audio. * Improve handling of empty input