A jailbreak detection bypass for modern iOS jailbreaks.
Dopamine is a semi-untethered jailbreak for iOS 15 and 16
The Most-Advanced Jailbreak Detection Library for iOS
iPhone AppStore Tweak,AppStore Keybag and all cache file、Junk files cleanup.
appdecrypt is a tool to make decrypt application encrypted binaries on macOS when SIP-enabled (macOS 11.3 or below)
Unified AppSync dynamic library for iOS 5 and above.
LLDB python scripts for iOS arm64 reversing by xia0
A python script .Instruction level tracing tool and block level tracing tool for lldb debugger. First tracing code, then dumping all valid code to file, finally analysing it.
A memory editor and viewer for iOS (Jailed or not Jailed)
heroims / obfuscator
Forked from obfuscator-llvm/obfuscatorollvm,base on llvm-clang 5.0.2, 6.0.1 , 7.0.1,8.0,9.0,9.0.1,10.x,11.x,12.x,13.x,14.x,swift-llvm-clang 5.0,swift-llvm-clang 5.5
Fugu14 is an untethered iOS 14.3-14.5.1 jailbreak
Odyssey-Team / Odyssey
Forked from coolstar/Chimera13Odyssey Swift-based semi-untethered jailbreak
A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS.
IDA pro plugin to find crypto constants (and more)
A simple universal memory editor (game trainer) on OSX/iOS
Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
Common hooking/monkey patching headers for Objective-C on Mac OS X and iPhone OS. MIT licensed