A testbed for the autonomous driving controller/algorithms based on NGSIM datase
- test your high-level decison-making algorithm (e.g. lane-change decision) with real traffic data
- test your low-level dynamic controller (e.g. vehicle following controller) with real traffic data
- visualize your results with the animations
- NGSIM data processing part
- Neighbor vehicles motion state tracking part (it can provide (x,y) informaton of the front car, left-front car, left rear car, right-front car, and right-rear car)
- pre-defined vehicle dynamic model (bicycle model)
- pre-defined low-level controllers: vehicle speed controller, vehicle following controller, lane-keeping controller, and lane-changing controller
- pre-defined psuedo-lane-change decision making part
- animation part
- choose which car you are interested in (the testbed will duplicate a car operated under your algorithms)
python data_processing.py
- design/modify the high-level or low-level controller whichever you want
- run the simulation
python simulator.py
blue car is the original one (from NGSIM dataset) and red car is the duplicated car (with the controllers)