Tags: www3838438/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s
v0.5: "Hamid Hassan" JupyterHub 0.8, HTTPS & scalability. See the [upgrade documentation](https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/upgrading.html) for upgrade steps. JupyterHub 0.8 is full of new features - see [CHANGELOG](https://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/0.8.1/changelog.html#id1) for more details. Specific features made to benefit this chart are: 1. No more 'too many redirects' errors at scale. 2. Lots of performance improvements, we now know we can handle up to 4k active users 3. Concurrent spawn limits (set via `hub.concurrentSpawnLimit`) can be used to limit the concurrent number of users who can try to launch on the hub at any given time. This can be tuned to avoid crashes when hundreds of users try to launch at the same time. It gives them a friendly error message + asks them to try later, rather than spinning forever. 4. Active Server limit (set via `hub.activeServerLimit`) can be used to limit the total number of active users that can be using the hub at any given time. This allows admins to control the size of their clusters. 5. Memory limits & guarantees (set via `singleuser.memory`) can now contain fractional units. So you can say `0.5G` instead of having to use `512M`. And lots more! It is our responsibility as software authors to make it very easy for admins to set up HTTPS for their users. v0.5 makes this much easier than v0.4. You can find the new instructions [here](http://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extending-jupyterhub.html#setting-up-https) and they are much simpler! You can also now use your own HTTPS certificates & keys rather than using Let's Encrypt. The following new authentication providers have been added: 1. GitLab 2. CILogon 3. Globus You can also set up a whitelist of users by adding to the list in `auth.whitelist.users`. You can always put extra snippets of `jupyterhub_config.py` configuration in `hub.extraConfig`. Now you can also add extra environment variables to the hub in `hub.extraEnv` and extra configmap items via `hub.extraConfigMap`. ConfigMap items can be arbitrary YAML, and you can read them via the `get_config` function in your `hub.extraConfig`. This makes it cleaner to customize the hub's config in ways that's not yet possible with config.yaml. You can also add [external JupyterHub Services](http://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services.html) by adding them to `hub.services`. Note that you are still responsible for actually running the service somewhere (perhaps as a deployment object). More options have been added under `singleuser` to help you customize the environment that the user is spawned in. You can change the uid / gid of the user with `singleuser.uid` and `singleuser.fsGid`, mount extra volumes with `singleuser.storage.extraVolumes` & `singleuser.storage.extraVolumeMounts` and provide extra environment variables with `singleuser.extraEnv`. Hamid Hassan is a fast bowler who currently plays for the Afghanistan National Cricket Team. With nicknames ranging from ["Afghanistan's David Beckham"](https://www.rferl.org/a/interview-afghan-cricketer-living-the-dream/24752618.html) to ["Rambo"](http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11413633), he is considered by many to be Afghanistan's first Cricket Superhero. Currently known for fast (145km/h+) deliveries, cartwheeling celebrations, war painted face and having had to flee Afghanistan as a child to escape from war. He [says](http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11413633) he plays because "We are ambassadors for our country and we want to show the world that Afghanistan is not like people recognise it by terrorists and these things. We want them to know that we have a lot of talent as well" This release wouldn't have been possible without the wonderful contributors to the [zero-to-jupyterhub](https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s), [JupyterHub](https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub), [KubeSpawner](https://github.com/jupyterhub/kubespawner) and [OAuthenticator](http://github.com/jupyterhub/oauthenticator) repos. We'd like to thank everyone who contributed in any form - Issues, commenting on issues, PRs and reviews since the last Zero to JupyterHub release. In alphabetical order, - [Aaron Culich](https://github.com/aculich) - [abeche](https://github.com/alexxxxx) - [Abhinandan Dubey](https://github.com/alivcor) - [Adam Thornton](https://github.com/athornton) - [Adrin Jalali](https://github.com/adrinjalali) - [Aidis Stukas](https://github.com/aidiss) - [Aleksandr Blekh](https://github.com/ablekh) - [Alessandro Vozza](https://github.com/ams0) - [Alex Hilson](https://github.com/alexhilson) - [Analect](https://github.com/Analect) - [Andrea Zonca](https://github.com/zonca) - [Andreas](https://github.com/Jibbow) - [Andrew Berger](https://github.com/rueberger) - [András Tóth](https://github.com/tothandras) - [angrylandmammal](https://github.com/angrylandmammal) - [Anirudh Ramanathan](https://github.com/foxish) - [Antonino Ingargiola](https://github.com/tritemio) - [apachipa](https://github.com/apachipa) - [Ariel Rokem](https://github.com/arokem) - [astrodb](https://github.com/astrodb) - [Ayushi Agarwal](https://github.com/ayushiagarwal) - [batchku](https://github.com/batchku) - [bbhopesh](https://github.com/bbhopesh) - [Bill Major](https://github.com/rwmajor2) - [Brad Svee](https://github.com/sveesible) - [Brian E. Granger](https://github.com/ellisonbg) - [BrianVanEtten](https://github.com/BrianVanEtten) - [calz1](https://github.com/calz1) - [Camilo Núñez Fernández](https://github.com/camilo-nunez) - [Carol Willing](https://github.com/willingc) - [Chris Holdgraf](https://github.com/choldgraf) - [Christian Barra](https://github.com/barrachri) - [Christian Moscardi](https://github.com/cmoscardi) - [Christophe Lecointe](https://github.com/christophelec) - [Christopher Hench](https://github.com/henchc) - [Christopher Ostrouchov](https://github.com/costrouc) - [ckbhatt](https://github.com/ckbhatt) - [Cody Scott](https://github.com/Siecje) - [Colin Goldberg](https://github.com/colingoldberg) - [daleshsd](https://github.com/daleshsd) - [danroliver](https://github.com/danroliver) - [Dave Hirschfeld](https://github.com/dhirschfeld) - [David](https://github.com/davidXire) - [Davide](https://github.com/davidedelvento) - [deisi](https://github.com/deisi) - [Dennis Pfisterer](https://github.com/pfisterer) - [Dennis Verspuij](https://github.com/dennisverspuij) - [Diogo](https://github.com/dmvieira) - [dmceballosg](https://github.com/dmceballosg) - [Dominic Follett-Smith](https://github.com/dominicfollett) - [Doug Blank](https://github.com/dsblank) - [Enol Fernández](https://github.com/enolfc) - [Erik Sundell](https://github.com/consideRatio) - [erolosty](https://github.com/erolosty) - [FalseProtagonist](https://github.com/FalseProtagonist) - [fmilano1975](https://github.com/fmilano1975) - [Forrest Collman](https://github.com/fcollman) - [Fred Mitchell](https://github.com/fm75) - [Gil Forsyth](https://github.com/gforsyth) - [Goutham Balaraman](https://github.com/gouthambs) - [gryslik](https://github.com/gryslik) - [gweis](https://github.com/gweis) - [haasad](https://github.com/haasad) - [hani1814](https://github.com/hani1814) - [Hanno Rein](https://github.com/hannorein) - [harschware](https://github.com/harschware) - [Ian Allison](https://github.com/ianabc) - [Isaiah Leonard](https://github.com/ihleonard-c3) - [J Forde](https://github.com/jzf2101) - [Jacob Tomlinson](https://github.com/jacobtomlinson) - [jai11](https://github.com/jai11) - [jbmarcille](https://github.com/jbmarcille) - [Jeet Shah](https://github.com/iamjeet) - [Jeroen Vuurens](https://github.com/jeroenvuurens) - [Jessica B. Hamrick](https://github.com/jhamrick) - [jiamicu](https://github.com/jiamicu) - [jiancai1992](https://github.com/jiancai1992) - [jm2004](https://github.com/jm2004) - [joefromct](https://github.com/joefromct) - [John Haley](https://github.com/johnhaley81) - [jonny86](https://github.com/jonny86) - [Joshua Milas](https://github.com/DeepHorizons) - [JoshuaC3](https://github.com/JoshuaC3) - [João Vítor Amaro](https://github.com/joaoamaro70) - [Justin Ray Vrooman](https://github.com/vroomanj) - [Keith Callenberg](https://github.com/keithcallenberg) - [KenB](https://github.com/y2kbowen) - [Kenneth Lyons](https://github.com/ixjlyons) - [krak3nnn](https://github.com/krak3nnn) - [Kristiyan](https://github.com/katsar0v) - [Kuisong Tong](https://github.com/ktong) - [kuldeepyadav](https://github.com/kuldeepyadav) - [Kyle Kelley](https://github.com/rgbkrk) - [lcfcefyn](https://github.com/lcfcefyn) - [Leo Gallucci](https://github.com/elgalu) - [lesiano](https://github.com/lesiano) - [Lorena A. Barba](https://github.com/labarba) - [lrob](https://github.com/lrob) - [Lukasz Tracewski](https://github.com/tracek) - [Mahesh Vangala](https://github.com/vangalamaheshh) - [Marco Sirabella](https://github.com/mjsir911) - [marcostrullato](https://github.com/marcostrullato) - [Marius van Niekerk](https://github.com/mariusvniekerk) - [MarkusTeufelberger](https://github.com/MarkusTeufelberger) - [Matt Koken](https://github.com/patback66) - [Matteo Cerutti](https://github.com/m4ce) - [Matthias Bussonnier](https://github.com/Carreau) - [Michael Li](https://github.com/tianhuil) - [Mike](https://github.com/s-t-e-a-l-t-h) - [MikeM](https://github.com/mmacny) - [Min RK](https://github.com/minrk) - [misolietavec](https://github.com/misolietavec) - [Moiz Sajid](https://github.com/moizsajid) - [Morgan Jones](https://github.com/mogthesprog) - [mraky](https://github.com/mraky) - [mrinmoyprasad](https://github.com/mrinmoyprasad) - [nabriis](https://github.com/nabriis) - [Nickolaus D. 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Merge pull request jupyterhub#224 from zonca/cilogon_auth Support for CILogon auth
v0.4 - [Akram](#akram) - 2017-06-23 ----------------------------------- Stability, HTTPS & breaking changes. Installation and upgrades ========================= We **recommend** that you delete prior versions of the package and install the latest version. If you are very familiar with Kubernetes, you can upgrade from an older version, but we still suggest deleting and recreating your installation. Breaking changes ================ * The **name of a user pod** and a **dynamically created home directory [PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim)](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims)** no longer include the `userid` in them by default. If you are using dynamic PVCs for `home` directories (which is the default), you will need to *manually rename* these directories before upgrading. Otherwise, new PVCs will be created, and users might freak out when viewing the newly created directory and think that their home directory appears empty. See [PR jupyterhub#56](jupyterhub/kubespawner#56) on what needs to change. * A **[StorageClass](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#storageclasses)** is no longer created by default. This shouldn't affect most new installs, since most cloud provider installations have a default (as of Kubernetes 1.6). If you are using an older version of Kubernetes, the easiest thing to do is to upgrade to a newer version. If not, you can create a StorageClass manually and everything should continue to work. * `token.proxy` is removed. Use **`proxy.secretToken`** instead. If your `config.yaml` contains something that looks like the following: ```yaml token: proxy: <some-secret> ``` you should change that to: ```yaml proxy: secretToken: <some-secret> ``` Added ===== * Added **GitHub Authentication support**, thanks to [Jason Kuruzovich](https://github.com/jkuruzovich). * Added **[Ingress](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/) support**! If your cluster already has Ingress support (with automatic Let's Encrypt support, perhaps), you can easily use that now. * We now add a **label** to user pods / PVCs with their usernames. * Support using a **static PVC** for user `home` directories or for the hub database. This makes this release usable with clusters where you only have one NFS share that must be used for the whole hub. * **PostgreSQL** is now a supported hub database backend provider. * You can set annotations & labels on the **proxy-public service** now. Changed ======= * We now use the official [configurable http proxy](http://github.com/jupyterhub/configurable-http-proxy) (CHP) as the proxy, rather than the unofficial [nchp](https://github.com/yuvipanda/jupyterhub-nginx-chp). This should be a no-op (or require no changes) for the most part. JupyterHub errors might display a nicer error page. * The version of KubeSpawner uses the official Kubernetes [python client](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/client-python/) rather than [pycurl](http://pycurl.io/). This helps with scalability a little. Removed ======= * The deprecated `createNamespace` parameter no longer works, alongside the deprecated `name` parameter. You probably weren't using these anyway - they were kept only for backwards compatibility with very early versions. Contributors ============ This release made possible by the awesome work of the following contributors (in alphabetical order): * [Analect](https://github.com/analect) * [Carol Willing](https://github.com/willingc) * [Jason Kuruzovich](https://github.com/jkuruzovich) * [Min RK](https://github.com/minrk/) * [Yuvi Panda](https://github.com/yuvipanda/) <3 Akram ===== [Wasim Akram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasim_Akram) (وسیم اکرم) is considered by many to be the greatest pace bowler of all time and a founder of the fine art of [reverse swing bowling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swing_bowling#Reverse_swing).
v0.3.1: KubeSpawner updates! - KubeSpawner has gained several new features, thanks to the work of Daniel Rodriguez and ktongsc! Specifically, we have support for init containers, node selectors, pod lifecycle hooks, etc. These can be used with the extraConfig override for now - Add easy ability to specify pod lifecycle hooks via the helm chart!
v0.3: Deployer UX fixes! - No need to restart hub manually after some changes - it is automatically restarted now. You can disable an automatic restart of hub after an upgrade with the following: 1. Finding out the current helm release's revision 2. Adding '--set revisionOverride=<current-revision>' to your upgrade command. Only do this if you know exactly what you are doing :) - Base images for everything upgraded to ubuntu 17.04. We can define the support lifecycle for the helm chart in the future, and decide on the base images at that point. - Add a timestamp to the job name for the pre-puller job. This prevents having to manually delete it when an install fails and has to be tried again. Because the Release Revision hadn't changed when the upgrade fails, trying again will cause it to fail with a 'job already exists' error. Adding the Timestamp to job name should hopefully fix that
v0.2 - Get rid of cull pod, move it inside the hub pod as a managed service - Set a default 1G memory guarantee for user pods - Allow setting a static global password for Dummy Authenticator - Allow setting extra static environment variables for user pods from the helm config - Upgrade kubespawner version (no major functional changes)
Initial public release! https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s has documentation!