A fast tool for detecting and decomposing segmental duplications in genome assemblies
Identifying Y-chromosome haplogroups in arbitrarily large samples of sequenced or genotyped men
Evaluate variant calls and its combination with k-mer multiplicity
DEPRECATED - Workflow for the comprehensive detection and prioritization of variants in human genomes with PacBio HiFi reads
Detect and visualize target mutations by scanning FastQ files directly
VCF files of SVs using long-read sequencing (LRS).
Copy number variant caller and depth visualization utility for PacBio HiFi reads
fast BAM/CRAM depth calculation for WGS, exome, or targeted sequencing
An ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor (QC/adapters/trimming/filtering/splitting/merging...)
A VCF comparison engine for structual variant benchmarking
RTG Tools: Utilities for accurate VCF comparison and manipulation
A structural variation pipeline for short-read sequencing
Tandem repeat genotyping and visualization from PacBio HiFi data
Scientific workflow engine designed for simplicity & scalability. Trivially transition between one off use cases to massive scale production environments
Bayesian haplotype-based genetic polymorphism discovery and genotyping.
StrVCTVRE, a structural variant classifier for exonic deletions and duplications
Burrow-Wheeler Aligner for short-read alignment (see minimap2 for long-read alignment)