'Module zero' is the first module for ASP.NET Boilerplate that includes following features:
- Implements ASP.NET Identity framework for User and Role management.
- Provides a Role and Permission based authorization system.
- Provides infrastructure to develop multi-tenant applications.
- Implements Setting system of ASP.NET Boilerplate to store Tenant, Application and User level settings in the database.
There is a sample project in the sample folder. To run it:
- Open it in VS2013
- Check connection string in web.config and change if you want to.
- Run DB migrations (Run 'Update-Database' command from Package Manager Console while ModuleZeroSampleProject.EntityFramework is selected as default project) to create database and initial data.
- Run the application! You will see the login form:
See running application on http://qasample.aspnetboilerplate.com/
User name: admin or emre
Password: 123qwe
After login, a question list is shown:
This sample is still being developed. A CodeProject article will be written when it's finished.