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go-stash is a high performance, free and open source server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from Kafka, processes it, and then sends it to ElasticSearch.
go-stash is about 5x throughput more than logstash, and easy to deploy, only one executable file.
cd stash && go build stash.go
- With binary
./stash -f etc/config.yaml
- With docker, make sure the path of config file is correct.
docker run -d -v `pwd`/etc:/app/etc kevinwan/go-stash
The config.yaml example is as follows:
- Input:
Name: go-stash
Mode: file
- ""
- ""
- ""
Topic: ngapplog
Group: stash
Conns: 3
Consumers: 10
Processors: 60
MinBytes: 1048576
MaxBytes: 10485760
Offset: first
- Action: drop
- Key: status
Value: 503
Type: contains
- Key: type
Value: "app"
Type: match
Op: and
- Action: remove_field
- message
- source
- beat
- fields
- input_type
- offset
- "@version"
- _score
- _type
- clientip
- http_host
- request_time
- ""
- ""
- ""
Index: "go-stash-{{yyyy.MM.dd}}"
MaxChunkBytes: 5242880
GracePeriod: 10s
Compress: false
TimeZone: UTC
Conns: 3
Consumers: 10
Processors: 60
MinBytes: 1048576
MaxBytes: 10485760
Offset: first
- The number of links to kafka, the number of links is based on the number of cores of the CPU, usually <= the number of cores of the CPU.
- The number of open threads per connection, the calculation rule is Conns * Consumers, not recommended to exceed the total number of slices, for example, if the topic slice is 30, Conns * Consumers <= 30
- The number of threads to process data, depending on the number of CPU cores, can be increased appropriately, the recommended configuration: Conns * Consumers * 2 or Conns * Consumers * 3, for example: 60 or 90
- The default size of the data block from kafka is 1M~10M. If the network and IO are better, you can adjust it higher.
- Optional last and false, the default is last, which means read data from kafka from the beginning
- Action: drop
- Key: k8s_container_name
Value: "-rpc"
Type: contains
- Key: level
Value: info
Type: match
Op: and
- Action: remove_field
- message
- _source
- _type
- _score
- _id
- "@version"
- topic
- index
- beat
- docker_container
- offset
- prospector
- source
- stream
- Action: transfer
Field: message
Target: data
- Delete flag: The data that meets this condition will be removed when processing and will not be entered into es
- According to the delete condition, specify the value of the key field and Value, the Type field can be contains (contains) or match (match)
- Splice condition Op: and, can also write or
Remove_field_id: the field to be removed, just list it below
Transfer field identifier: for example, the message field can be redefined as a data field
- Index name, indexname-{{yyyy.MM.dd}} for year. Month. Day, or {{yyyy-MM-dd}}, in your own format
- The size of the bulk submitted to ES each time, default is 5M, can be adjusted according to the ES io situation.
- The default is 10s, which is used to process the remaining consumption and data within 10s after the program closes and exits gracefully
- Data compression, compression will reduce the amount of data transferred, but will increase certain processing performance, optional value true/false, default is false
- Default value is UTC, Universal Standard Time
- stash server: 3 units 4 cores 8G
- es server: 15 units 16 cores 64G
- Input:
Conns: 3
Consumers: 10
Processors: 60
MinBytes: 1048576
MaxBytes: 10485760
- Action: remove_field
- Message
- source
- beat
- fields
- input_type
- offset
- request_time
Index: "nginx_pro-{{yyyy.MM.d}}"
Compress: false
MaxChunkBytes: 5242880
TimeZone: UTC
go-stash is powered by go-zero
for great performance!
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