Here is a dedicated repository of the Werkkzeug4 CE project.
- Independant fork from Farbrausch original werkkzeug4
- Only focus on the werkkzeug4 tool
- New dev orientation
- Cleaned version of unused stuff
- Many new features, bug fixes,...
So basically there's two directories.
"Altona" contains the base framework for graphics, sound, IO and the rest of the essential stuff that's needed for building werkkzeug4.
"wz4" contains the library with the 3D engine and all the effects, and also a GUI and player version of the werkkzeug4 that uses this library. That's where the demos come from.
- Visual Studio 2010, at least Visual Studio 2008 (Express versions will do, also VS2005 should work but hasn't been tested for a long time)
- DirectX SDK
- PhysX SDK v3.2.3 ( or see
Werkkzeug4 default project is preconfigured to find the PhysX SDK on *C:\library\PhysX-3.2.3_PC_SDK_Core* folder. If you want to change that, edit wz4\wz4frlib\wz4_physx.hpp and change PhysX path preprocessor variables.
Add PhysX library path to your system environment variable to be able to run Werkkzeug4 from Visual Studio : C:\library\PhysX-3.2.3_PC_SDK_Core\Bin\win32 and/or C:\library\PhysX-3.2.3_PC_SDK_Core\Bin\win64
Use this one if your configuration is Visual Studio 10, Directx 9 and if you want to build a 32 bits version.
set C:\github\werkkzeug4CE as root directory
run build_project.bat. If everything goes according to plan, you should now find solution and project files in every directory.
Open the Visual Studio wz4/werkkzeug4/werkkzeug4.sln or wz4/wz4player/wz4player.sln project, choose your build configuration, compile, enjoy.
Use this one for a custom configuration.
Look for altona_config.hpp in the altona/ dir, open it and change the constants found therein (most prominently the VS version, SDK version and WIN32 or WIN64). Make sure altona/bin is in the PATH from now on, then open a command line and type :
makeproject -r path_to_source
- If everything goes according to plan, you should now find solution and project files in every directory. -
Open the Visual Studio wz4/werkkzeug4/werkkzeug4.sln or wz4/wz4player/werkkzeug4.sln projects, choose your build configuration, compile, enjoy.
To create all the tools found in altona/bin/ from scratch you need to locate the "bootstrap" project in altona/tools/makeproject/bootstrap - this should build without any further dependencies. Create the makeproject.exe, then call it (if you got sCONFIG_CODEROOT_WINDOWS in altona_config.hpp right, you can from now on omit the -r parameter). The VS projects should now be created and you can proceed to compile at least ASC and Wz4Ops (in this order). Put all executables in the PATH and Werkkzeug should compile.
This project is distributed under a BSD license. See LICENSE.txt.
if you want to help us develop this tool in any possible way, you are perfectly welcome.