Various implementations of the convex feasible set algorithm (CFS).
Source codes of “Autonomous Driving on Curvy Roads without Reliance on Frenet Frame: A Cartesian-based Trajectory Planning Method” published in IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems
A comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games
Bai Li, Tankut Acarman, Youmin Zhang, et al., “Optimization-based trajectory planning for autonomous parking with irregularly placed obstacles: A lightweight iterative framework,” IEEE Transactions…
Teaching examples for three direct methods for solving optimal control problems namely single shooting, single step, and pseudospectral.
This project implements multiple-interval pseudospectral methods to solve optimal control problems.
MATLAB code of examples using Gauss pseudospectral method, MS thesis included
For Matlab Legendre Pseudospectral Method Implementation Demostration
Search algorithm such as Astar, JPS, RRt ...
Our team proposes to control an autonomous vehicle modeled by the bicycle model. The objective is to track a pre-defined racetrack whose Cartesian coordinates are known. We are planning to generate…
RC Car Modelling and Trajectory Tracking Control
Sliding mode controller for tracking trajectory of an autonomous vehicle.
shshlei / moveit
Forked from moveit/moveit🤖 The MoveIt motion planning framework
shshlei / ompl
Forked from ompl/omplThe Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL)
shshlei / robowflex
Forked from KavrakiLab/robowflexMaking MoveIt Easy!