Middleware for adding security layer to GraphQL schema
Install this package via Composer
composer require x-graphql/field-guard
Create permissions array mapping object type name, and it fields with rule, rule can be
boolean or instance of XGraphQL\FieldGuard\RuleInterface
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo;
use XGraphQL\FieldGuard\RuleInterface;
$isAdminRule = new class implements RuleInterface {
public function allows(mixed $value, array $args, mixed $context, ResolveInfo $info) : bool{
return $context->isAdmin();
public function shouldRemember(mixed $value,array $args,mixed $context,ResolveInfo $info) : bool{
return true;
$permissions = [
'Query' => [
'getUser' => true, /// all user can get user.
'getBook' => false, /// deny all user to get book.
'Mutation' => [
'createUser' => $isAdminRule, /// only admin user can create user.
Then create middleware with $permissions
above and apply to schema:
use XGraphQL\FieldMiddleware\FieldMiddleware;
use XGraphQL\FieldGuard\FieldGuardMiddleware;
$schema = ...
$guardMiddleware = new FieldGuardMiddleware($permissions);
FieldMiddleware::apply($schema, [$guardMiddleware]);
Created by Minh Vuong