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Factorio global Variable Viewer mod.



How to use

  • Type /gvv or press CTRL+SHIFT+V (you can change key bindings) to open GUI. Only admins can use the mod if it is multiplay game.
    To allow gvv to access global table of mod, savefile or scenario(start from beginning), you need to modify "control.lua" file of demand mod or map.
    Input following code at first line or last line of "control.lua" file of the mod or map.
if script.active_mods["gvv"] then require("__gvv__.gvv")() end

  • In case of savefile, extract "control.lua" from it first. Then, edit code and overwrite it at same location of "control.lua" inside of the zipped file.
  • There is also a way to make the mod or map accessible temporarily without editing "control.lua", introduced in in-game GUI.
  • Most of other helpful words are inside of Helper tab in gvv in-game GUI.

사용 방법

  • 모드, 세이브파일, 또는 시나리오(처음부터 시작)의 global 테이블에 gvv가 액세스할 수 있게 하려면 해당 지도 또는 모드의 "control.lua" 파일을 변경해야 합니다.
  • 지도 또는 모드의 "control.lua" 파일의 첫 줄 또는 마지막 줄에 다음의 코드를 삽입하세요.
if script.active_mods["gvv"] then require("__gvv__.gvv")() end

  • 세이브파일의 경우에는 압축파일에서 "control.lua"만 꺼낸 뒤, 편집하고 압축파일 내부의 같은 위치에 "control.lua"를 덮어쓰세요.
  • "control.lua"를 편집하지 않고 임시로 모드나 지도를 액세스 가능하게 만드는 방법이 있습니다. 게임 내 GUI에 소개되어 있습니다.
  • 다른 도움말은 게임 내 gvv GUI의 도움 기능 탭에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

Commands added by this mod

  • /gvv : Opens/closes gvv main GUI window. Only admins or player in singleplay can use this command.
  • /gmods : Prints loaded mod list and global accessible mod list.
  • /gdump : Same as /gdump-luaon
  • /gdump-luaon <mod_name>(optional) : Prints global data of accessible mod in lua object notation format.
    If no <mod_name> is given, level(current map) will be used.
  • /gdump-json <mod_name>(optional) : Prints global data of accessible mod in js object notation format.
    If no <mod_name> is given, level(current map) will be used.

LuaRemote interfaces added by this mod

  •"__<mod_name>__gvv","storage") : Returns global table of the mod. (storage was global before Factorio 2.0)
  •"__<mod_name>__gvv","_G") : Returns _G table of the mod. Some data types can not be brought.
  •"__<mod_name>__gvv","diag") : Need to be used only internally. Performs diagnosis of global table of the mod and returns problematic paths as table.
  •"__<mod_name>__gvv","fix") : Need to be used only internally. Performs diagnosis and kills entries that LuaRemote cannot handle in global table of the mod.
  •"__<mod_name>__gvv","c",<lua_code>, ...) : Runs a lua code(string type) in sandbox of the mod, "..." becomes local table named "arg" in the lua code.

Server console exclusive

  • /sc __gvv__["gvv-mod_enable-on-tick"]={value= false } : Turns off(true for on) that, "on_tick" event used for tracking variables. Admin player already can do this in game GUI.