Njörðr is a collection of SCSS helpers and mixins I use in the majority of my projects. It's provided as-is and is available on GitHub and npm. I usually use (a selection of) these in combination with Bourbon.io. Your mileage may vary.
The documentation is generated using SassDoc. It's then deployed to Github pages.
Every module (file) of the framework can be used on it's own, and should be self-contained and portable.
The most broadly named module encompasses a wide range of - well, erm - helpers. Everything from small functions and silent classes to large mixins.
This is my preferred implementation of a media query mixin, taken from an older version of inuitcss. It supports both mobile and desktop first, and uses device name abstractions (tabletV
, mobileH
etc.), to make coding easy. I get that screen size isn't the same as device type, but I feel that it provides a good metaphor.
A bunch of typography related mixins to support vertical rythm, originally ported from Compass when I started to use LibSass. In combination with Bourbon's modular scale it's pretty neat.
I dislike CSS grid systems, as they mostly encourage implementation through classes in your markup, which in turn leads to confusion about when a module looks like what (breaking the seperation of concerns across your codebase). Secondly, I find a lot of them way too opinionated. So, for the odd event that I really need a grid system, I tend to roll my own. This is it.
All code here is either created by me or shamelessly stolen from other great libraries. I've tried to attribute authors whenever relevant. Contribute by simply forking your own repository and commit away.
I will review pull requests as quickly as I can.
If anything leaves a bad taste in your mouth, contact info can be found at ljd.dk.
Njörðr is licensed under WTFPL.
Njörðr is a God from old Norse mythology. It's also the old form of the name of my nephew, who's currently the sweetest boy alive.