Tags: xampls/claat
Cleanup some of the gdocs --> md export output (googlecodelabs#83)
render: update tmpldata The generated binary template data didn't seem to have been updated to be inline with template.html. More specifically, googlecodelabs@88dbc8f wasn't picked up in the tmpldata.go. This is required for Will's changes in googlecodelabs/codelab-components@f3e63d5 to have correct rendering on the official website. Bumping version to tag and trigger CI's binary build and upload to releases.
add support for image title and alt attributes (googlecodelabs#44) * add support for image title and alt attributes * fix review comments * fix final review comments
Merge pull request googlecodelabs#38 from googlecodelabs/serve-fixes claat serve: grey background and MS Windows fixes
Reduce num. of older versions of Go in Travis CI We only need to support App Engine. The rest should use the latest.