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Ethereum Benchmarks

OS Setup

Install python3 and pip3, in ubuntu that can be done by:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip

Then install requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


For tests with SC you need to have solc installed on your system:

Uniswap V2

To run Uniswap v2 deployment you need to update the submodule:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Profiles setup

Use default profiles.json to add your own networks. You need to set the RPC url and provide the private key by any of the 3 available methods:

  • Set the path to a file holding the private key in plain text
  • Set the private key directly in the profiles.json
  • Set the private key through a ENV VAR

Please see examples on the default profiles.json file You can also create an additional file private_profiles.json which will be ignored by git, the content will be loaded by default.

Test execution

Minimal test to check everything works:

python3 -p testnet --unconfirmed

Replace testnet with the desired profile.

Extensive test:

  python3 -p testnet -c 10 -t 150 --all

Bench options

Mandatory options:

  • -p <string> To set the profile, must be filled on profiles.json
  • -c <int> How many paralel processes to run, 1 if omitted
  • -t <int> Number of transactions per process, 1 if omitted. We will refer to this number as t

Available tests to run:

  • --allconfirmed Each process launch t txs and confirm all of them one by one
  • --confirmed Each process lanch t txs and confirm just the last one
  • --unconfirmed Each process launch t txs but it does not confirm any of them
  • --erc20 Each process creates t ERC20 tokens + t token transfers
  • --uniswap Each process creates t sets of Uniswap v2 smart contracts (3 SC per set).
  • --precompileds Each process creates t SC with 4 precompiled functions, and then each process calls t times each one of these 4 functions for the first SC.
  • --pairings Each process creates t SC with a pairings function. the first SC.
  • --keccaks Each process creates t SC with a keccaks loop constructor.
  • --eventminter Each process creates t SC with a Event minter constructor.

Run all previous tests:

  • --all

Bridge to L1 or L2, this tests can't be mixed with previous ones

  • --bridge2l1 E2E bridge from L2 to L1
  • --bridge2l2 E2E bridge from L1 to L2

For both tests, the profile needs to be filled with these extra parameters:

  • bridge_ep
  • l1_ep
  • bridge_addr
  • l1_funded_key

Other flags:

  • --recover Recover remaining funds in all created accounts -sent back the funded account- as long as they're enough to pay tx fees. (enabled by default)
  • --nonce Set the nonce for master account. Not required, just to perform tricky tests in paralel !


Each execution is incrementally logged to bench_{profile_name}.log file. You can find there all past results.

grep Results bench_{profile_name}.log

You will also find on the log file all the transaction hashes for all the transactions sent.

Mixed tests

Each tests is paralelized but only 1 kind of test runs at a time. If you want to execute multiple tests at once you can easily achieve these by spanning multiple instances in paralel. That's a simple example to launch all tests at same time using tmux:


# Using tool cast to fetch the nonce, otherwise you can just it set here manually
nonce=$(cast nonce $MASTER --rpc-url $RPC)

for test in confirmed allconfirmed unconfirmed erc20 uniswap precompileds pairings keccaks eventminter; do
    tmux new-session -d -s "$test-$PROFILE"
    echo "Running $test with funded nonce $nonce"
    tmux send-keys -t "$test-$PROFILE" python3 Space Space -p Space $PROFILE Space -c Space 2 Space -t Space 200 Space --$test Space --nonce Space $nonce C-m
    tmux send-keys -t "$test-$PROFILE" exit C-m

CMA - Chaos Monkey Attack


  • -p <string> To set the profile, must be filled on profiles.json
  • -s <int> How many senders
  • -e <int> Ethers to fund each sender
  • -r <int> How many rounds
  • -t <int> How many txs per sender per round
  • -w <int> Wait seconds after each round


python3 -p kurtosis -e 250 -s 10 -r 50 -t 50

That creates 10 wallets and fund each of them with 250ETH. Then, it makes 50 rounds/iterations, and on each round: Sequentially, each sender sends 50 random txs.


Benchmarks for Ethereum transactions






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