An extension for Visual Studio Code that lets you easily update/remove/install
packages from NuGet public/private servers for .NET Core/.Net 5+
- Simple & Fast
- An easy user interface
- Handles workspaces with multiple
files - Update all packages with one click
- Remove a package from the projects
- Search and install new packages from NuGet Server
- Support several NuGet servers (
) - Compatible with Linux and Windows
- Indenting XML output
- Support basic authentication for private registries
- Open your project workspace in VSCode
- Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)
- Select
> NuGet Package Manager GUI
//The maximum duration for completing a request from this extension
"nugetpackagemanagergui.requestTimeout": 9000,
// The package sources
// The supported package sources: Azure/GitLab/GitHub/BaGet/Nexus/NuGet
"nugetpackagemanagergui.packageSources": [{
// The package source name
"sourceName": "Azure",
// True or false determining whether to include pre-release packages
"preRelease": true,
// The package source authentication settings
"authorization": {
// The auth types (basicAuth / none)
"authType": "basicAuth",
// It is required if authType is equal to basicAuth
"username": "ali.asadi",
// It is required if authType is equal to basicAuth
"password": "ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY"
//The NuGet endpoint address for getting package versions
//* The extension injects {{packageName}} property automatically
// NuGet Host "{{packageName}}/index.json"
// BaGet Host "http://localhost/v3/package/{{packageName}}/index.json"
// GitHub Host "{{packageName}}/index.json"
// GitLab Host "{{packageName}}/index.json"
// Nexus Host "http://localhost/repository/nuget-hosted/v3/content/{{packageName}}/index.json"
// Azure Host "{{packageName}}/index.json"
// ProGet Host: "http://localhost/nuget/Test-Feed/v3/flatcontainer/{{packageName}}/index.json"
"packageVersionsUrl": "{{packageName}}/index.json",
// The package url in the host server
// NuGet Host "{{packageName}}"
// Azure Host "{{packageName}}/{{version}}/overview"
// GitHub Host "{{packageName}}/index.json"
// GitLab Host "[]={{packageName}}"
// ProGet Host: "http://localhost/feeds/Test-Feed/{{packageName}}/versions"
"packageUrl": "{{packageName}}",
//The NuGet endpoint address for searching packages
// NuGet Host ""
// BaGet Host "http://localhost/v3/search"
// GitHub Host """"
// GitLab Host ""
// Nexus Host "http://localhost/repository/nuget-hosted/v3/query/0"
// Azure Host ""
// ProGet Host:"http://localhost/nuget/Test-Feed/v3/search"
"searchUrl": "",
// The source types (server / local)
// * local type isn't supported.
"sourceType": "server",
- Support star in PackageReference's version
<PackageReference Include="SixLaborsCaptcha.Core" Version="1.*" />
- Persist view in memory for continuous accessibility
- Fixed known bugs
- Use a custom XML module and remove xml-js package
- Fixed the empty screen in VS Code version 1.73.0
- Auto detect csproj/fsproj indention style and keep the file style
- Removed
nugetpackagemanagergui.indentTypeproperty form the setting
- Auto detect VSCode theme
- Perform search when pressing enter in the install package tab
- Fixed unordered version list
- Fixed an issue in ProGet registry
- Update
⚠ WARNING: This version incompatible with the previous versions
- Add support for basic auth to package sources
- Add the package sources drop-down list into the install package page
- Add
setting to see the packages in the package source host
- Improve the speed of load package versions functionality
- Improve extension
- Fixed the proxy problem
- Fixed some bugs
- Fixed some bugs
- Add pagination to the package search results
- Add search box in the project list
- Add new setting
for indenting XML output
- Fixed some bugs
- Improve UI/UX
nugetpackagemanagergui.nuget.searchPackage.defaultTakeis deprecated
- Support several NuGet servers (#10 by @TomyCesaille)
- Both
properties changed tonuget.searchPackage.url
- Log error detail in VSCode Developer Tools
- Add the proxy support
- Improve UI/UX
- Install new package bug fixed
- Improve the speed of loading package versions from NuGet server(
4x faster than the older versions
- Some variables overridable in
JetBrains kindly provides vscode-npm-gui with a free open-source licence for their Rider.