[ECCV 2024] Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Scene-aware Human Motion Forecasting via Mutual Distance Prediction"
For the original dataset please contact the authors of Long-term Human Motion Prediction with Scene Context.
For the motion sequences used in paper are from ContAwareMotionPred.
After downloading the dataset, please update the path of motion sequence, scene sdf and scene points in the code.
We also provide the preprocessed scene sdf file and checkpoints on google drive
After downloading the checkpoints, replace the folder with same name under the GTAIM.
Please open the corresponding folder and run
python stage1/train_motion.py
python stage2/train_motion.py
python finalmodel/train_motion.py --resume_model_s1 xxx/MutualDistance/GTAIM/checkpoints/stage1 --resume_model_s2 xxx/MutualDistance/GTAIM/checkpoints/stage2
xxx is the path on your systerm.
Please open the corresponding folder and run
python finalmodel/test_motion.py --resume_model xxx/MutualDistance/GTAIM/checkpoints/final
xxx is the path on your systerm.
For the original dataset please contact the authors of HUMANISE: Language-conditioned Human Motion Generation in 3D Scenes.
Please also download the [SMPL-X] (https://smpl-x.is.tue.mpg.de/download.php), here we use the v1.1 version.
After downloading the dataset, please update the path of pure_motion_folder and align_data_folder in the code.
We also provide the preprocessed scene sdf file, mutual distance file and checkpoints on google drive
After downloading, please update the paths in the configuration file.
Please open the corresponding folder and run
python stage1/train_motion.py
python stage2/train_motion.py
python finalmodel/train_motion.py --resume_model_s1 xxx/MutualDistance/HUMANISE/checkpoints/stage1 --resume_model_s2 xxx/MutualDistance/HUMANISE/checkpoints/stage2
xxx is the path on your systerm.
Please open the corresponding folder and run
python finalmodel/test_motion.py --resume_model xxx/MutualDistance/HUMANISE/checkpoints/final
xxx is the path on your systerm.
Please adpot our optimizer to the second stage (Motion Prediction) of ContAware and STAG.
- [Y] Data preparation.
- [Y] Release training and evaluation codes.
- [Y] Release checkpoints.
- [] Release code of visualization.
- [] Release training code of stage 1&2 on HUMANISE.
The overall code framework (dataloading, training, testing etc.) is adapted from DLow ContAwareMotionPred HUMANISE