A pure pytorch implemented ocr project.
Text detection is based CTPN and text recognition is based CRNN.
More detection and recognition methods will be supported!
- python-3.5+
- pytorch-0.4.1+
- torchvision-0.2.1
- opencv-
- numpy-1.14.3
They could all be installed through pip except pytorch and torchvision. As for pytorch and torchvision, they both depends on your CUDA version, you would prefer to reading pytorch's official site
Detection is based on CTPN, some codes are borrowed from
pytorch_ctpn, several detection results:
Recognition is based on CRNN, some codes are borrowed from crnn.pytorch
权重文件必须要不然运行不了 我已经下载了 checkpoint文件夹 Download pretrained models from Baidu Netdisk (extract code: u2ff) or Google Driver and put these files into checkpoints. Then run
python3 demo.py
The image files in ./test_images will be tested for text detection and recognition, the results will be stored in ./test_result.
If you want to test a single image, run
python3 test_one.py [filename]
Training codes are placed into train_code directory.
Train CTPN
Train CRNN