- A decent text editor
- Zig compiler (13.0.0 or higher)
|- .
|- ..
|- inputs
|- |- test
| | |- test.txt
| |- year
| | |- 01.txt
| | |- ...
| | |- 25.txt
| |- ...
|- solutions
| |- year
| | |- 01.zig
| | |- ...
| | |- 25.zig
| |- ...
|- build.zig
|- build.zig.zon
|- readme.md
|- template.zig
Points to Remember: The inputs must be provided by the user via the approprite file. The year in the directory structure are from 2015 and forward along with a test file in the inputs directory for testing purposes. There is a template file for the solutions which takes care of the file input in the root of the directory.
To run the solution of a certain year's certain day, use the following command and replace the year and day accordingly and make sure that the solution exists and the input file is also present.
zig build aoc -Dyear=**<year>** -Dday=**<day>**
To run a test input against the same solution, make sure that you have the test input in the
file and execute the following command.zig build aoc-test -Dyear=**<year>** -Dday=**<day>**