Haplotype analyses of the CYP6 cluster in Anopheles gambiae samples from Uganda (UGS), using Ag1000G Phase 1 data.
Download Ag1000G Phase 1 data from here
: notebook with analysis of haplotype similarity and selection signals in UGS. The cluster of swept haplotypes is defined using genetic distances of genotypes located +/- 1000 variants around the Cypaa1 start coordinate (results taken fromsweep_haplotypes.csv
). Selection statistics are estimated for the Cyp6 custer (EHH, Garud H, hap diversity). Results and plots go to folderresults_sweep
. -
: phylogenies of haplotypes using variants in the cluster (using IQTREE). Results in newick (.treefile
) & pdf. -
in folder
, there is another notebook I used to do a quick analysis of haplotype networks built around another variant of interest,2R:28491424
, which was in LD with both the duplication and the ZZB insertion in UGS. I wanted to see if we can find it elsewhere in the Ag1k samples, but it's not there, so this is not useful. Results go toresults_TAG
Phylogeny & haplotype cluster shows a group of swept haplotypes with strong signals of selection. It contains the following genotypes:
- all sequences have the I236M mutation
- all sequences have the zzb transposon OR come from genomes that have it (het)
- all sequences have the indel OR come from genomes that have it (het)
- it contains sequences from specimens with and without duplication (including duplicated homozygotes).
- all of them have the tagging variant that is in LD with the duplication and zzb (
in sequence name)
Therefore, the selective sweep occurred after the I236M, zzb insertion and indels; but before the duplication occurred. This is consistent with the late emergence of the duplication (2009) relative to other mutations (zzb in 2004, I236M in 2005).
There is a second cluster of highly similar haplotypes that do not have any resistance mutations. This cluster has signals of selection too. Not explored right now.