This project contains app for Android Things working on ODROID-N2/C4 and ODROID-M1.
The ODROID Board is connected to the CAN BUS Controoler Module (MCP2515_CAN). The CAN bus speed is 1Mbps and. The CAN controller works on 16 MHz and all parameters are configured for this frequency.
This repository is based on the SunnyWolf/SM2019Dashboard.
You can test it with other board connected to the another MCP2515.
You can make test environment with the ODROID-N2.
Before starting this example, you should enable the spi on the both of the board.
Here are command lins for this test on the ODROID-N2 with Ubuntu 20.04.
$ ip link set can0 type can bitrate 1000000 triple-sampling on
$ ifconfig can0 up
You can get can message and send can message.
$ candump can0
$ cansend can0 042#