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Continuation of Clash Verge - A Clash Meta GUI based on Tauri (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
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qiin2333 / moonlight-qt
Forked from moonlight-stream/moonlight-qtGameStream client for PCs (Windows, Mac, Linux, and Steam Link)
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Media server for comics/mangas/BDs/magazines/eBooks with API, OPDS and Kobo Sync support
Jays2Kings / tachiyomiJ2K
Forked from starfish23/mangafeedFree and open source manga reader for Android
developer-wlj / nas-tools-backup
Forked from wangyan/nas-toolsNAStools 官方版本存档
Official home of the DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) project. Previously known as "SQLite Database Browser" and "Database Browser for SQLite". Website at:
Emby 增强/美化 插件 (适用于 Chrome 内核浏览器 / EmbyServer)
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