This project is about vision based navigation and precision landing of a drone using ROS, PX4 and OpenCV
Planetary-like environment in ROS Gazebo + Blender
MATLAB implementation of two popular navigation algorithms: A-star and Real-Time Randomized Path Planning
Model Based learning with MPC for Path tracking on Uneven Terrain
Six-wheeled electrically-driven rover that navigates uneven terrain to retrieve a sample.
Some tools for path planning on a 3D grid map, including A*, Theta* and Lazy Theta*
Costmaps, directly analogous to ethz-asl's grid_map library.
Universal grid map library for mobile robotic mapping
2.5D-NDT map: version 1.5-An Efficient Spatial Representation for Path Planning of Ground Robots in 3D Environments
Plots and Energy Calculations
This project aims at generating an optimal coverage planning algorithm based on linear sweep based decomposition - the algorithm uses pseudo-spectral optimal control to generate time-energy optimal…
Robot descriptions in form of URDF files and meshes
Global and local path planner plugins for ROS move_base which move the robot in 2D (x,y,angle) but avoid collisions using full 3D data (robot meshes and environment octomap).
Gradient-Based Online Safe Trajectory Generator
开源机器人学(Open Robotics)是一个帮助机器人学习者入门的开源项目。
A global Planner for a fly/drive concept vehicle in 3D Octomap environment.
ROS implementation of A* on a 3D voxel-based cost map. Inputs include a start position, goal position, and a PointCloud2 map topic. Output is a path topic.
Library for collision detection between two convex shapes
All laser type assemblers and manipulators.
Contains various trajectory planning algorithms for drones (minimum jerk, spline trajectory etc. ) for drones. Drone is controlled using MAVSDK-Python
PX4 avoidance ROS node for obstacle detection and avoidance.