Integrating Reinforcement Learning and Model Predictive Control for Enhancing Safety in Automated Vehicle Systems
xinglongzhangnudt / policy-learning-for-distributed-mpc
Forked from udacity/deep-reinforcement-learningRepo for the distributed-safe-learning-control for DMPC program
Derivation and implementation of continuous-time finite-horizon Linear Quadratic Regulator
Novel adaptive tuning of the PID gains using an Actor-Critic-based Neural Network for Attitude Control of a 6-Dof, 4-motor Robot
The implemetation of the Reinforcement Learning based PID Tunner.
Cart-Pole System Controlled by LQR, LMPC and NMPC Controllers
Adaptive dynamic programming
Adaptive dynamic programming(ADP) 自适应动态规划
This repository is an implementation of the work from Mohamed W. Mehrez. I convert the original code in MATLAB to the Python
Files for the Python simulation and LaTeX plots for various quantities related to the optimal control of risk-aware mean-field coupled linear quadratic subsystems.
Following repository contains the Architecture and its code for Continuous Domain RL Agents that include: DDPG, TRPO, PPO, SAC and TD3.
Disturbance Observer-based Robust Integral Control Barrier Functions for Nonlinear Systems with High Relative Degree
code for paper: [1] M. Hu, X. Wang, Y. Bian, D. Cao, and H. Wang, “Disturbance Observer-Based Cooperative Control of Vehicle Platoons Subject to Mismatched Disturbance,” IEEE Transactions on Intell…
A collection of code examples for different Data-driven Predictive Control algorithms applied to LTI systems.
Code for IFAC 2023
This is the MATLAB code for a brief tutorial for Model Predictive Control (MPC) for a linear discrete-time system with constrained states and inputs.
A repo to house the code for the submission "Multi-Rate Planning and Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems: Model Predictive Control and Control Lyapunov Functions"
Distributionally Robust Stochastic Model Predictive Control
Differentiable predictive control (DPC) policy optimization examples.
Model Predictive Control (MPC)
This is the MATLAB code for tube robust MPC with uncertainty quantification
Code needed to reproduce the examples found in the various works published on Distributed and Localized Model Predictive Control via System Level Synthesis, by C. Amo Alonso, S. J. Li, F. Yang, J. …
sliding mode control and estimation methods for robotic systems