This project using Deno to write GRPC api service with CQRS model to support social networks with keyword suggestion or hot posts feature.
Note: Hono framework hasn't supported Deno.listen for listen a connection yet. So this project will implememted with Deno and grpc_basic library (limited features).
- Api CRUD posts (title: string, content: string, tags:[string],...).
- Research the algorithm to calculate the increase or decrease in trend of an posts or keyword (trend must gradually decrease over time).
- The API retrieves a list of the top 10 hottest posts.
- The API retrieves a list of the top 10 most searched keywords.
- The API retrieves a list of the top 10 most suitable posts suggested for a user.
- Deno, gRPC, CQRS pattern, Mongoose/MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Typescript, etc.
1. Define Proto's Post schema (./protos/social_media.proto).
2. Define Mongo's Post schema (./models/PostSchema.ts).
3. Setup gRPC server, connect to MongoDB, connect to Elasticsearch.
4. Implement CRUD action.
5. Sync data to Elasticsearch for fast retrieve posts opeations.
interaction_score = interaction_count * event_weigth
- Event weights:
- isVideoPlayback: 0.01
- isPhotoExpanded: 0.02
- isClicked: 0.2
- isLiked: 0.3
- isProfileClicked: 0.5
- isBookmarked: 0.6
- isShared: 0.9
- isCommented: 1.0
trending_score = sigmoid(interaction_score * e^(-decay_score * time))
decay_score = 0.95
Note: I also use Deno.CronJob
to calculate and sync trending score to Elasticsearch every xx minutes. This will be helpfull for fast retrieving the top hot posts in the big data contexts.
- Based on
Task 2
, using elasticsearch query to retrieve top 10 posts in the last 7 days and sort them by descending trending score.
- Beside retrieve data, also store the keywords when user use search operation.
- Use elasticsearch's aggregation to retrieve the top 10 hot search keywords in the last 1 day.
My strategy:
- Based on user_id and user_favorite_categories, apply
Item-Item Collaborative Filtering
method to retrieve top 10 recommended posts.
- Based on user_id and user_favorite_categories, apply
Cosine similarity: Calculate the similarity between all the item pairs.
- Prediction computation:
- Given the
and the itemsimilarity_matrix
- Example
vector, i.e., list of categories that the user liked:[0 0 1 0]
- Item
[[1. 0. 0.81649658 0.70710678] [0. 0. 0. 0. ] [0.81649658 0. 1. 0.57735027] [0.70710678 0. 0.57735027 1. ]]
- Example
- Multiply each row of
by the corresponding element inuser_interactions
and sum them up for each column - Combine the results to get the vectors:
[0.81649658 0 1. 0.57735027]
<=>[category1 category2 category3 category4]
- Sort and get the recommendation results:
category3 > category1 > category 4 > category2
- Given the
grpc/grpc-js hasn't supported Deno (typescript) well
Deno hasn't supported grpc server error/status response yet! See issues here:
Hono framework hasn't supported Deno.listen for listen a connection yet! See issues here: