An open source node package for reading on-chain Art Blocks data and recreating generative art projects. By default the package reads data via the ArtBlocks Subgraph. For those using other languages, use this package as a how-to guide for working directly with ArtBlocks on-chain data.
npm i artblocks
import ArtBlocks from 'artblocks'
// Ethereum mainnet
let artblocks = new ArtBlocks("thegraph", "mainnet");
// Artist staging projects
// Please refrain from sharing these projects publicly
let artblocks = new ArtBlocks("thegraph", "ropsten");
const response = artblocks.projects()
Promise {
id: 0,
name: "Chromie Squiggle",
artist: "Snowfro",
contract: "0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a",
id: 1,
name: "Genesis",
artist: "DCA",
contract: "0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a",
id: 2,
name: "Construction Token",
artist: "Jeff Davis",
contract: "0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a",
const response = artblocks.project_metadata(0)
Promise {
id: 0,
name: 'Chromie Squiggle',
artist: 'Snowfro',
curation_status: 'curated',
description: 'Simple and easily identifiable, each squiggle embodies the soul of the Art Blocks platform. Consider each my personal signature as an artist, developer, and tinkerer. Public minting of the Chromie Squiggle is permanently paused. They are now reserved for manual distribution to collectors and community members over a longer period of time. Please visit OpenSea to explore Squiggles available on the secondary market.',
license: 'NFT License',
website: '',
paused: true,
complete: false,
locked: true,
currency_symbol: 'ETH',
price_eth: 0,
invocations: 9257,
invocations_max: 10000,
contract: '0x059edd72cd353df5106d2b9cc5ab83a52287ac3a'
const response = artblocks.project_script(1000001)
Promise {
id: 0,
name: 'Chromie Squiggle',
last_updated: '1620363885',
dependency: 'p5js',
dependency_version: '1.0.0',
dependency_url: '""',
interactive: 'true',
animation_length_sec: undefined,
instructions: 'click to animate | space bar changes background color',
script: 'let numHashes = tokenData.hashes.length;\n' +
'let hashPairs = [];\n' +
'for (let i = 0; i < numHashes; i++) {\n' +
' for (let j = 0; j < 32; j++) {\n' +
' hashPairs.push(tokenData.hashes[i].slice(2 + (j * 2), 4 + (j * 2)));\n' +
' }\n' +
'}\n' +
const response = artblocks.token_metadata(1000002)
Promise {
project_id: 1,
project_name: 'Genesis',
token_id: 1000002,
token_invocation: 2,
token_hash: '0xcfaa8630f0b48b6ed9bdbf9f486ba9e023ee168a2e0370cbac0e09196b33d12b'
const response = artblocks.token_script(0)
Promise {
token_id: 1000001,
token_invocation: 0,
token_dependencies: {
dependency: 'p5js',
dependency_version: '1.0.0',
dependency_url: '""'
token_data: 'let tokenData = {"hashes":['0xcfaa8630f0b48b6ed9bdbf9f486ba9e023ee168a2e0370cbac0e09196b33d12b'], "tokenId":"1000001"}',
token_script: 'tokenData = tokenData.hashes[0].substring(2);' +
'int[] hp = new int[32];' +
'void setup() {' +
' size(window.innerWidth>window.innerHeight*4/3?window.innerHeight*4/3:window.innerWidth, window.innerWidth>window.innerHeight*4/3?window.innerHeight:window.innerWidth*3/4);' +
' for (int i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) {' +
' hp[i] = unhex(tokenData.substring(i + i, i + i + 2));' +
const response = artblocks.token_generator(0)
Promise {
'<html lang="en">\n' +
' <head>\n' +
' <meta charset="utf-8">\n' +
' <script src=""></script>\n' +
' <script>let tokenData = {"hashes":["0x722899b10c66da3b72fb60a8e71df442ee1c004547ba2227d76bed357469b4ea"], "tokenId":"0"}</script>\n' +
' <script>let numHashes = tokenData.hashes.length;\n' +
'let hashPairs = [];\n' +
'for (let i = 0; i < numHashes; i++) {\n' +
' for (let j = 0; j < 32; j++) {\n' +
' hashPairs.push(tokenData.hashes[i].slice(2 + (j * 2), 4 + (j * 2)));\n' +
' }\n' +
'}\n' +
let x = `
first: 5,
orderBy: projectId,
orderDirection: desc,
where: {curationStatus: "curated"}
const response = artblocks.custom(x)
Promise {
projects: [
projectId: '225',
name: 'Vortex',
artistName: 'Jen Stark',
curationStatus: 'curated'
projectId: '215',
name: 'Gazers',
artistName: 'Matt Kane',
curationStatus: 'curated'