This is a simple repository for accelerating CLIP inference using TensorRT, which includes directly converting the ONNX model to a TRT inference engine, as well as importing a self-written LayerNorm Plugin to achieve inference acceleration.
CLIP model is a multimodal pre-trained neural network, which is an efficient and scalable method for learning from natural language supervision. The core idea of the model is to use a large number of image and text pairing data for pre-training to learn the alignment relationship between image and text. CLIP model has two modes, one is text mode, one is visual mode, including two main parts:
- Text Encoder: Used to convert text into a low-dimensional vector.
- Image Encoder: It is used to transform the image into a similar vector representation.
In the prediction phase, the CLIP model generates predictions by calculating the cosine similarity (CS) between text and image vectors.
We have tested it on CUDA 12.1 ,TensorRT 8.6.1 ,ONNX 1.17.0 ,onnxruntime 1.13.1 .
Export the visual encoder and text encoder of CLIP to the clip_visual.onnx
file and clip_textual.onnx
, respectively
git clone
cd clip_trt
python >result.log 2>&1
- Compile the handwritten TextualLayerNorm plugin and VisualLayerNorm plugin, then test the correctness of both plugins.
cd LayerNormPlugin
make clean
python >test.log 2>&1
- Build the engine and inference.
cd clip_trt
python >result-plugin.log 2>&1
It happens that onnx does not convert the model the first time, in these cases it is worth trying to run it again.
If it doesn't help, it makes sense to change the export settings.
Model export options in onnx looks like this:
DEFAULT_EXPORT = dict(input_names=['input'], output_names=['output'],
export_params=True, verbose=False, opset_version=12,
dynamic_axes={'input': {0: 'batch_size'}, 'output': {0: 'batch_size'}})
You can change them pretty easily.
from clip_onnx.utils import DEFAULT_EXPORT
DEFAULT_EXPORT["opset_version"] = 15
Alternative option (change only visual or textual):
from clip_onnx import clip_onnx
from clip_onnx.utils import DEFAULT_EXPORT
visual_path = "clip_visual.onnx"
textual_path = "clip_textual.onnx"
textual_export_params = DEFAULT_EXPORT.copy()
textual_export_params["dynamic_axes"] = {'input': {1: 'batch_size'},
'output': {0: 'batch_size'}}
textual_export_params["opset_version"] = 12
Textual = lambda x: x
onnx_model = clip_onnx(model.cpu(), visual_path=visual_path, textual_path=textual_path)
onnx_model.convert2onnx(dummy_input_image, dummy_input_text, verbose=True,
Introduces some of the uses of trtexec and poly for model export and performance verification
Export engine by using trtexec.
trtexec --onnx=../clip_textual.onnx \
--memPoolSize=workspace:2048 \
--saveEngine=./engines/clip_textual_trt.engine \
--profilingVerbosity=detailed \
--dumpOutput \
--dumpProfile \
--dumpLayerInfo \
--exportOutput=./build/log/build_output_textual.log \
--exportProfile=./build/log/build_profile_textual.log \
--exportLayerInfo=./build/log/build_layer_info_textual.log \
--warmUp=200 \
--iterations=50 \
--verbose \
> ./build/log/result_trt_build_textual.log
Export engine by using polygraphy.
polygraphy run ../clip_textual.onnx \
--trt \
--save-engine ./engines/clip_textual_poly.plan \
--save-timing-cache ./engines/clip_textual_poly.cache \
--save-tactics ./engines/clip_textual_poly_tactics.json \
--trt-min-shapes 'input:[1,77]' \
--trt-opt-shapes 'input:[4,77]' \
--trt-max-shapes 'input:[16,77]' \
--fp16 \
--pool-limit workspace:1G \
--builder-optimization-level 5 \
--max-aux-streams 4 \
--input-shapes 'input:[4,77]' \
--verbose \
> ./build/log/result-poly-01.log 2>&1
Compare the output of each layer between Onnxruntime and TensorRT
polygraphy run ../clip_textual.onnx \
--onnxrt --trt \
--save-engine=./engines/clip_textual_poly.plan \
--onnx-outputs mark all \
--trt-outputs mark all \
--trt-min-shapes 'input:[1,77]' \
--trt-opt-shapes 'input:[4,77]' \
--trt-max-shapes 'input:[16,77]' \
--input-shapes 'input:[4,77]' \
--atol 1e-3 --rtol 1e-3 \
--verbose \
> ./build/log/result-poly-3.log 2>&1
The code for exporting the ONNX model is sourced from this repositoryCLIP-ONNX, and we are very grateful for the support it has provided to our work.