Jinter is a project that used to free your hand when you want to put the json string data into the Db .
we can easily use Jinter like this :
Jinter jinter = new Jinter(); // default Jinter will search Jinter.properties or application.properties in the classPath. but if you want to add your own config file you can do using another constructor with parameters
then the jsonStr data will automaticly put into Db.
we need to configure our dataSource into Jinter . it would be something like this :
jdbcUrl = jdbc:mysql://localhost/forum?autoReconnect=true&relaxAutoCommit=true
user = root
password =123456
#jdbcUrl = jdbc:oracle:thin:@
#user = oyjr_ic_uat
#password =oyjr_ic_uat
the Json String standard are :
"tableName": "Jinter", // tell Jinter what's the name that you want to create in the Db.
"jsonDataType": [ // tell Jinter what are the type's of these Columns.
"isNullable": false, // so we know this column can not be set to null
"columnName": "idJ", // so we know this column's name is id
"columnType": "int", // so we know this column's type is int
"columnLength": 11, // so we know this column's length is 11
"isPrimaryKey": 1 // so we know this column is a primary key.
"fkTableAndColumn":"test1;id;idJ" // so Jinter know the reference table is test1 and reference column is id to Jid. if you there are more than one column , we can use "," to seperate them .
"isNullable": true,
"columnName": "name",
"columnType": "varchar",
"columnLength": 256,
"isPrimaryKey": 0
"isNullable": true,
"columnName": "time",
"columnType": "datetime",
"columnLength": 0,
"isPrimaryKey": 0
"isNullable": true,
"columnName": "remark",
"columnType": "varchar",
"columnLength": 256,
"isPrimaryKey": 0
"jsonDataVal": [ // tell Jinter the columns values
"id": 1
"name": "xiaoming"
"time": "2016-07-09 00:00:00"
"remark": "hello test"
"id": 2
"name": "xiaoming"
"time": "2016-07-10 00:00:00"
"remark": "ello test"
if you want to try it on . here is what you need to do .
git clone https://github.com/xiaomingfuckeasylife/Jinter.git
mvn package
cd Jinter/target/ cp Jinter.jar /yourProjectDirectory
now . Jinter support Mysql and Oracle.