redis tools ,e.g clean redis keys
go mod tidy
go build -o redisctl
show commands
Usage: ✔ ▓▒░
redisctl [command]
Available Commands:
clean-key clean key
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for redisctl
redisctl clean-key [flags]
--concurrent int concurrent (default 10)
-d, --db int redis db
--delete-batch int delete batch (default 500)
--delete-delay-ms int delete delay ms (default 80)
--dry-run dry run
-h, --help help for clean-key
-H, --host string redis host
--keys strings keys
--only-has-expire only has expire
--only-no-expire only no expire
-p, --password string redis password
-P, --port int redis port (default 6379)
--prefix is prefix
--scan-batch int scan batch (default 500)
-u, --username string redis username
How to control the load on the target instance?
control the ttl query concurrent,effective only when --only-has-expire or --only-no-expire exists--delete-delay-ms
control the delay time between delete operation,This is the most effective way
Common parameters
- --only-has-expire, only delete keys that have expiration time
- --only-no-expire, only delete keys that have no expiration time
- --keys, specify the key to delete,eg: --keys "quest,test22"
- --prefix, whether to use the key as a prefix to delete
./redisctl clean-key --host -p --keys "quest" --prefix true