allow to analyze Microsoft Teams artifacts in human-readable format.
For input receives .json file of
from C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams
. To create json file please use ms_teams_parser/ms_teams_parser.exe
by Alexander 'lxndrblz ' Bilz(licence attached).
For output program creates simply .txt file.
Possible to extract:
- Information's about users present in Teams.
- Information's about performed calls.
- Information's about messages included content.
- Information's about meetings.
- Reactions on messages.
Based on my research I selected some fields particular fields from particular groups of artifacts. Because it is open-source program on MIT licence feel free to modify code for your requirements. Please only attach my LICENCE statement.
usage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT] [-u] [-c] [-m] [-t] [-r]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE Input file for analyze.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Name of output file. By default is "output.txt"
-u, --users Get users present in Teams.
-c, --calls Get information about calls.
-m, --messages Get message content.
-t, --meetings et meeting information.
-r, --reactions Get reactions data.
I build this project after hours for training purposed. I was curiosity what can be extracted form Microsoft Teams.
Now project is in initial version that's allows to perform investigations.
Probable future improvements:
- Prettier output
- Look for more artifacts in .json input file