- 🌱 Friends links: shixiongfei, qysit.
- ❤️ I love coding, contributing and collaborating, twitter, weibo.
- 📫 More about me is on my blog: panshi, diary, OA.
- 💬 Connect with me by WeChat account of iipanshi.
- 🚀 Write code, read and think, stay healthy, and build wealth.
ID | Title | Douban's Data | Date |
1 | 我在 100 天内自学英文翻转人生 | 豆瓣书评 | 2025-01-14 |
2 | 运动改造大脑 | 豆瓣书评 | 2025-01-16 |
3 | 最小阻力之路 | 豆瓣书评 | 2025-01-21 |
4 | 奇特的一生 | 豆瓣书评 | 2025-02-19 |