Author: Ng Zheng Jue, Heng Chia Ying, Tan Hong Guan, Ng Rui Qi
- This is a project developed in undergraduate Year 3 - Semester 3 in the course (Face Recognition with Machine Learning).
- This repository consists of code to perform real-time face recognition based on the dataset given in the 'Face_Image' directory. This is done by
- Detect the face using Cascaded Classifier
- Project the data into lower dimensions by Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
- Use KNN to recognize the face based on the training dataset in 'Face_Image' directory
- This repository consists of
- 1 Jupyter Notebook file PCA_based_Face_Recognition.ipynb that consists of overall experimental design, development of method including training and evaluating the classifier and lastly the real-time face recognition system build.
- Face_Image folder to store the face image for recognition
- Image folder to store image for display in
- Library required to run the code
!pip install -U scikit-learn
!pip install numpy matplotlib pandas
!pip install xgboost catboost lightgbm