| [email protected]
Talented programmer and teacher with an academic background in computer vision and computer graphics. Adept at working with various methodologies to accomplish project milestones according to specific timeframes. Able to use C++, C#, Swift and other programming languages to complete work. Highly organized and detail-oriented professional.
- English Speaker
- Code Literacy: C++, C#, Swift
- Teaching Proficiency
- Mobile Development
- Computer Vision
- Computer Graphics
2011 Master of Science | Information Technology
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
09/2013 to current
Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science | Rostov-on-Don
Established Apple Mobile Development lab and introduced several courses for students from different learning tracks.
Introduced Moodle as a teaching tool for several courses. Reworked framework of assignments and evaluation methods.
Courses taught through the years include Programming 101, Database Management, Computer Graphics and Web Development.
Had several undergraduate students successfully defend their thesis under my guidance.
05/2012 to 09/2013
Center Internet | Rostov-on-Don
Web-development: front-end and backend development of requested features (php, js). Implemented basic loan request feature for
System administration: server management, database administration.
System integration: asterisk setup, remote systems management.
- Web Dev (html + js, php)
- User Applications (Qt, .Net)